A proud Kuwaiti?????

  • What are you proud of? Oil exports? That is the only thing that this country contributes to the entire world. Your culture died long ago...once upon a time you had ancestors who did make a living by cultivating the sea, which now gets raw sewage and who knows what else pumped into it because Kuwait is too irresponsible to care about their own country, much less the global environment. Prostitution is rampant here, just not as openly as the other Gulf coast countries. Alcohol, also rampant. You know as well as I do. The difference? These other countries know that oil will not last forever, and they need other means to contribute to their economy, so they should be a little more hospitable to the rest of the world. Kuwaitis love it here? Of course they do, you idiot! They are basically spoiled little kids that aren't responsible or accountable for their own actions! It is a known fact that the government of Kuwait creates "nice" jobs for Kuwaitis, even though an Indian, Paki, or Filipino is doing all the work! You say you are priveleged enough to not have to leave your country to work? Privelege equals finding oil, which was found not by Kuwaitis, but by Brits! Why do you leave your country to go to college in the U.S or U.K then? Be priveleged and stay here for a good education....yeah right. I'm an expat, and I don't walk around with a shitty attitude, because I get paid a ton of money, not because I am lucky, but because I am skilled at my trade. I did great in the U.S, and even better here because your Government needs me here, hence the large pay. Your country needs every expat, Indian, Paki, Sri Lankan, Filipino living in this garbage society. Your ignorance truly shows in your post, and you have the typical Kuwaiti attitude that most others do. Someday the bubble of protection and ignorance protecting Kuwait will burst!

    Hannah Montana 03 Sep 2008, 05:05 - Report
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