American, work on your tolerance before you can expect others to tolerate you!

  • American,

    may be if you stop watching your fox news for once, may be then you'll realize that what arabs really are is completely different from what your fox news depicts. And the good news is that Kuwait is NOT representative of the entire middle east. Kuwait and Saudi Arabia are the ONLY 2 extreme countries in the middle east. Go to any other middle eastern country and things are MUCH MUCH better.

    Arabs are much nicer and warmer people than the americans. at least, we don't have to take an appointment to see our own parents! so give me a break. you know why many people world wide don't like americans? because people have to be "americanized" before they can be accepted by the americans. americans don't have tolerance for anything not american. so what if you even have arab friends back in the U.S.? what are they anyways? americanized arabs?? heheheh.....unless you show tolerance to others, others will equally not have enough of a reason to be tolerant towards the americans.

    Tarek 13 Nov 2008, 07:48 - Report
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