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  • I am an expat here working with the military but my job has me driving into the different 'suburbs' of Kuwait City a few times a week. I am not here taking Kuwait's money, so no complaints about that from the few locals on here.

    I routinely see Kuwaitis' in their fancy sport cars speed right past police cars and cameras like they weren't there. I routinely see people get cut off, to a point of nearly causing a fatal accident, because some Kuwaiti decided he/she wanted to speed in the left lane until the after the last possible second.

    They have no respect on the road for anyone except themselves.

    I routinely see them walk past a line full of people to be waited on first and yell at anyone who says something. I routinely see them yell when they are forced to wait more than a few seconds to be helped.

    They have no respect for anyone except themselves.

    I have never seen a Kuwaiti working. I pass a Kuwait military gate often and have seen them sleeping in the middle of the day in their gate shack.

    The only work they know is how to get paid doing nothing.

    I hear the call to pray 5x each day but I never see a Kuwaiti or other Muslim pull of the road or go to the prayer rooms in offices to perform the prayer. I have heard of the desert parties that are full of alcohol and adultery.

    Kuwaitis are Muslim, or at least they are mostly Muslim, following the rules they wait to.

    The only reasons I am staying here working with the US military is because I enjoy supports the troops and the job pays decently.

    ExpatKuwait 02 May 2009, 11:42 - Report
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