
  • First of all look at all the Kuwaitis replies it implies that they really are uneducated unmannered and not matured at all but it does say that they are racist, as i was once traveling i came across a Canadian man who used to work for a Kuwaiti petroleum company and guess what he resigned and moved to Egypt !!!!!! yes Egypt one of the reasons he moved was because the racism, hypocrisy, all Kuwaitis that look at other people like if they are from a lower kind of species and the most surprising thing is the salary he got more salary in Egypt than Kuwait, believe me ladies and gentlemen the gulf specially Kuwait is going down in the coming years thats why all Kuwaitis now transfer all their money outside Kuwait because it is not secure anymore and the future will be for emirates Qatar and Egypt, by the i have P.H.D in Economy so i do know what i am talking about and i worked with Kuwaitis in side and outside the country they them self knows very well what we are all saying and they do agree, business men like saad el barak the Zain CEO got out of Kuwait and so many others as well because it is an investment expelling country. anyway there is to much to say regarding this fake country so people do go to Canada, Australia, Qatar, Dubai and even Egypt there is more life their than Kuwait and it has taste not tasteless like Kuwait, people their are much more fair and humble and they even treat tourists better.
    Kuwaitis please go have some education and see other people and other countries and look to life with a different point of view and different eyes, do you self a favor and start thinking for your self and working hard as anyone else, start taking care of your own self instead other are doing ever thing you know what if non Kuwaitis got out of the country u will never be able to live and handle your own country please either you change or stay at home and don't open your mouth again and keep your face down to the floor.

    The Naked Truth 23 Sep 2008, 10:54 - Report
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