Life in Kuwait-A serious non-insulting response.

  • Life in Kuwait is very hard, that is true. There is no night life, it is a very small country, we are a HIGH CONTEXT culture, meaning we are very family orientated (whether this be good or bad is not my point), we are people that generally stick to our kind and do not like to go out on a limb for foreigners. So as a foreigner you are probably not just going to GO out and meet Kuwaitis at a coffee shop. We can come off as arrogant and rude.
    This is all true.

    Here is SOME ADVICE:

    1. If you are planning to move here for work, make sure you are getting a proper package at a good company because as an expat a lot of your connections will come from WORK, be it social or future career moves.

    2. Travel a lot, that is a benefit of living here. You will get a lot of vacation time and a lot of incentive to travel to countries. If you are disappointed by the LACK OF CULTURE in KUWAIt, than go somehwere else for vacation. That way you will have learned about the world by traveling. *If anyone wants to ask about my opinion on Kuwaiti Culture I can put it up on another post*

    3. Life is a lot slower here, if you have had a HECTIC time working in a CRAZY office and want to slow down without loosing your job or career this is a good place. *again this is a MAJOR generalization... research the company you work for*
    4. Get involved in the kuwaiti expat and local community through the net...I am not talking myspace here! But I had two european friends that moved here, they worked for the same company and were teh same age, one guy stayed in his apartment RANTING and RAVING about HOW SHITTY kuwait is for an ENTIRE year. The other guy? He got on a small world, made a whole bunch of friends, got invited to parties, met me, two years later when I went to his goodbye dinner he was actually SAD to leave...
    he met good friends
    traveled all over the place
    managed to save some money

    Life is what you make of it people. Just make sure you know what you want out of where your traveling and be honest with yourself and your surroundings. When I went to the states, I did not fight for or get OUTRAGED by the way the mexican/latino community was being treated. OR the fact that a retard was voted for president ( no offense to anyone who voted for him.. this is just my opinion) . It is not my place, I enjoyed america for WHAT IT DID PROVIDE ME... an education, night life etc.

    So I suggest you do the same with Kuwait.

    Take care.

    Kuwaiti female trying to be helpful... and unbiased. 09 Mar 2009, 10:41 - Report
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