Single Western women love it in Kuwait?

  • Rocket Science at its best! You take one single women, of any beauty level, preferably with blonde hair, light eyes, pale skin, or any of those attributes, and throw her in a country full of the exact opposite female version of her. Add into the mix that the native females of that country can't speak to gents in public and have little to no interaction with them. Mix that with an entire country full of horny males, (most with a bunch of money that they worked very hard for) and the fact that they will do anything to get a girl, and there you have it. An ugly girl from the states can come here and get a boyfriend with a Lamborghini at will! Pretty girls can get basically anything they want at any given moment! Tell me I'm not right.

    Yalla at a playa. 21 Aug 2008, 05:32 - Report
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