To Q8 girl

  • Hi Q8 girl, for your information, I LEFT Kuwait! I'm not one of those who sticks around when I don't like it. So don't be too worried about that. For your information, whether I'm still in Kuwait or have left Kuwait, it's not gonna change the fact that Kuwait sucks. What you're suggesting is no different from what Saddam Hussein did when he took power: Saddam Hussein simply eliminated members of the parliament who hated him so that Saddam can win an anonymous vote from the remaining members of the parliament. so if this is what you're trying to do by asking people who hate Kuwait to leave so that the remaining people who do like it will remain, you still haven't solved the problem! you're simply trying to eliminate people with criticism.....did you guys just say that Kuwait is a democratic country??? heheh....what a great joke!! I don't know where you come from lady, but democracy means freedom of speech! if you don't like what I'm saying, then you better revise the true position of Kuwait....I'll give you a hint: Kuwait is NOT a democratic country!!!

    Tarek 13 Feb 2009, 05:07 - Report
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