kuwaiti female's Life in Kuwait.. a good post

  • very good post.. sums its all up pretty well...

    am an expat from the indian subcont.. recently moved here from Dubai.. worlds apart.. but hey, i like the quiet life here.. ..the traffic here during rush hour is less than what I used to encounter at my parking lot in Dubai. further it helps me get less stressed out and hey - i get to spend some quality time with the family.. ..a lot of unwinding etc.

    yes I bump into an occasional lunatic at some government department that is hell bent of letting you know that he is God's gift to manking, but the chances of that happening way too often look remote.. ..or unless you have a extended streak of bad luck !

    in my firt week here, whilst I was coping with the culture shock and the barrage of what to expect from Kuwaitis.. I was pleasantly surprised when a middle aged Kuwait lady officerfrom the Immigration department on seeing my plight got herself out of her seat, took my papers along and got it all sorted out by seeing all the top officers in their respective cabins !!!! I think I even managed to embarass her with my thank you's etc. etc..

    so hey, things ain't all that bad here.

    do i have a wish list for here?? yes I do..now i only wish (amongst a whole bunch of things) we had a better english language FM station, a good English daily and a decent postal service.. all my magazines (very much in line with the local customs/religion etc) seem to get lost in transit..

    The English FM station takes cost cutting to new heights.. the Morning Show DJ also does voice over for most of the commercial jingles !!!!! Yikes.

    The english papers.. the less said the better.. unless ofcourse you are American !

    yep the local population seem stuck up with themselves.. but hey, I tend to do the same and stick to my crowd.. i would love to have a Kuwaiti friend or two.. but heck they are hard to find in my age.. perhaps things are different if you have a whole bunch of them at your work place.. ..or perhaps if you did college with them..

    the current bunch of kuwaitis are mostly well travelled and well exposed to the 'real' world out there.. so it is pretty harsh to bracket them all as bums. The old timers are mostly gonners and could end up being ripe candidates for some Human Rights trials in the Hague.

    You also need to note from where the bulk of the expat population is/was from? That should give you an idea of some of the other ills that plague Kuwait.

    anyway, i am here to earn a living.. i wish things were a little more cheerful here, it would be swell if perhaps people from the indian subcon got a little more respect.. but what the heck... you never get it all your way.. do you?

    well that could be us in our 'head buried in the ground ostrich moment'.. but life goes on.. and i am glad that i ain't perhaps in Saudi...

    pure o rama 10 Mar 2009, 10:42 - Report
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