
  • if Dan Sela is such a wonderful person why doesn't he just pay us, the victims of the Lima fraud, what he owes us?

    FACT I paid $400 for 2 passes
    FACT I loaned him a further $290
    FACT I did not sell any passes or take anyone's money
    FACT all I have had in return is this hate campaign waged by him ANONYMOUSLY (like we're really that stupid) to try to draw attention away from his criminal behaviour
    FACT I stand by everything I have said here and elsewhere, everything I have said can and will be backed up in a court of law
    FACT Dan Sela and his friends are too gutless to post their true identities - obviously they have lots to hide - I DO NOT
    FACT If you think that this pathetic playground behaviour will make me leave Perú or change my life in any way than you are even more stupid than I originally thought - I didn't think that was possible.

    Janice Walker 01 Dec 2007, 04:44 - Report
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Carefull w. Fraudster Dan in Marbella

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