la razon por este foro / the reason for this forum

  • The purpose of this forum is to publicise the frauds of DAN SELA in order to prevent other people from being ripped off the way I and many others have been. My age, private life, marital status etc. have no bearing on any of this and are no ones business but mine. They are a pathetically obvious diversionary tactic by Sela and his brichero friends from the sleazier Cusco discoteques, all of whom hide in cowardice behind anonymity. Shame they are too stupid to realise how this reflects more on their lack of character and integrity than anything else.

    Perhaps you could take your hate campaigns to a more appropriate forum and leave this one to people posting facts openly and honestly.
    el proposito de este foro es publicar los fraudes de DAN SELA para previeren que otras personas sean defraudado en el modo en que yo y otras personas lo hemos sido. Mi edad, mi vida privada, mi estado civil, no es asunto de nadie mas sino mio. Hay tacticas patetica de distracción usadas por SELA y sus amigos bricheros de unos discotecas malos del Cusco, todos se esconden el anonimato, son demasiado estupidos para darse cuenta como esto se refleja mas en su falta de caracter e integridad

    Quizás pueda tomar sus campañas de odio a un foro más adecuado y deja éste a las personas desplazamiento hechos con franqueza y sinceridad.

    Janice Walker 03 Dec 2007, 08:51 - Report
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Carefull w. Fraudster Dan in Marbella

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