
  • as promised I have responded to the comments directed at me personally below - my comments marked with >>>>.
    If "salsera peruana" has anything constructive to say - which I doubt - I will be interested to hear it.
    If Dan has any plans to repay the money he took from us for tickets to the non-event I would be even more interested to hear it.
    Further comments about my sex life or age however do not help - other than to offer entertainment value for any future court cases.

    Janice: I have a question for you. If you never found this forum against Dan, Would you make all this and change the friendship that you have with Dan for this war?
    >>>> If I had never found this forum I would still have expected Dan to return the money he borrowed from me and I would have expected a refund of the money I spent on tickets to an event that didn’t happen. I didn’t have a friendship with Dan, I had correspondence with him for a few months before the “congress” in regard to that. All that I and the others asked for was a refund of the money that we paid for an event that never took place – that is not unreasonable under the curcumstances and I do not believe that constiutes a war.
    As to “making all this” am I the only person complaining on here? Have you read the whole of these posts?

    I remember you, that this forum start in 2005 with anonimous messages, and after as a rumor, and after you were inspired by this information to made a big show there.
    >>>>This makes no sense, I had never heard of you until August 2006 so how can you remember me in 2005? If I had seen this information earlier it certainly wouldn’t have inspired me to do anything other than avoid you, I certainly wouldn’t have bought tickets to a congress from you or lent you any money. I read this for the first time on March 1st 2007.

    EVERYONE IS HAPPY WITH SALSA, latins love dance we have it in our blood, something that you can not say.
    >>>>So only latinos can love salsa? Interesting!

    But is NOT HAPPY when people work a lot in something to make this happend for several months and you come and see that you dont have all the support that you need because Luis Zegarra made boicot already in all media and dance schools before landing on here, and you knew also this, and still you continue to give the congress to the peopple that see good intentions and plus the defamations on internet and plus with a base on just landed
    >>>>What support are you suggesting I expected or needed to buy tickets to a salsa congress? I had no contact with Luis Zegarra until after all this happened and didn’t see this site until March 1st 2007.

    you open a police investigation that is totally ridiculus.
    >>>>Maybe you didn’t read the post above with the report from the police website – where does it say that I was the one that opened a police investigation? The guy from Belgium called the police after he was refused a refund. The rest of us were told by the police that we needed to make statements which we all did, truthfully and in full. Ridiculous? Hardly – maybe you can afford to lose several hundred dollars but I for one can not!

    I saw how Dan and Gina work so hard until the last moment and still when they knew that they are working to get NON PROFIT, it need to be crazy.
    >>>>Non Profit?? I have records of several conversations in which Dan told me the exact opposite – he was running a business – to make a profit.

    You ask to Dan participate as performers in this congress and he gave you to you and your partner enrique, (who treat you so bad), the oportunity to teach when you and enrique are just starting, that it was your first congress and that even when you dont have students and your partner is not base
    >>>>Not true, Dan asked us to perform and to teach not the other way round. Enrique and I are hardly just starting and we have sufficient students, primarily we want to dance – not teach. My partner is not base? What on earth does that mean?
    Enrique may have behaved stupidly and treated me badly – not that that is anyone’s business but ours - but at least he was man enough to admit to his mistakes, face up to what he had done, apologise to all involved – including Dan - and do his best to make amends, with the result that we are still close friends. Can Dan say the same? When he came to the hotel after being released from prison many of us were there - did he even attempt to talk to any of us, to apologise, explain or make reparations? No he didn’t, all we have had instead of refunds are insults, tantrums and empty threats of legal action. A few words of apology on that day and a sincere offer of refunds would have made a huge difference. Dan had an opportunity that day to show that he was genuine – he didn’t take it.

    And your way to show your support to Dan, it was "lets give him a punch in his face after all that he makes" this was so bad from you when Dan considereate a friend. They didnt come from so far to make a fraud, in that case they never suposse to land, they came to gave us a party, BUT You and people see WHAT YOU WANT TO SEE.
    >>>>Are you suggesting that I assaulted Dan? I do hope that you have evidence to back up that claim because it is a serious allegation – violence is not my style, I have enough intelligence that I do not need to resort to threats of violence.
    So what happened to the party?
    Why do you think I should have supported him? He offered an event that did not take place and as such people were entitled to refunds, I too am entitled to be repaid the money I lent him. How could I possibly support his refusal to do either? Had he been my best friend or my family I couldn’t support that so why should I support a man I met for the first time 5 days before?

    John: I think you are part of the staff of just landed, I can also start to invent story about you and janice in forums on my specch fredoom. Why you dont give more information about you? Who are you?
    >>>>Why would you want or need to invent stories? How sad and pathetic.

    >>>>All I can say on this subject is that Dan mentioned this correspondence before Ernesto and Barbara arrived and didn’t seem at all worried by it. From what I saw of them they are excellent dancers and nice people. They were left completely in the lurch having been promised that their food and lodgings would be paid for. They were left with no money to buy food which left Enrique and I, as the only people from Perú in the group, to take care of them. They were guests in our country – if you are truly Peruana what kind of hospitality did you show them? Thankfully we were able to make sure that they left with a good impression of Perú.
    As to Pilar, she too is an extremely nice person and all I ever saw was her doing her best to help everyone involved. I haven’t heard a single bad word against any of the staff from anyone who stayed there and all of us are recommending the hotel to our friends. When the hotel Bolivar cancelled because Dan didn’t pay the bill before their deadline she was the one willing to let him relocate to the Hotel Espana.
    As to him including my and Enrique’s name in this so called denuncia, any false allegations that you have made against us will be treated extremely seriously, and unlike you I do not make empty threats of legal action.
    Interesting allegation though that Dan was overcharged claiming the rooms should have been 40 soles each as he told the rest of us the price was $25 - approximately 81 soles. so what happened the the other 41 soles per night that I gave Dan to pay for my first 5 nights at the hotel?

    Just one more thing, this team of international lawyers that Dan is claiming he is using to sue apparently everyone he knows….. if he can afford their fees why can he not afford to simply pay all of us the money that he owes us and put an end to all of this? All this would have been avoided had he done so and as long as none of us receive those refunds we can not and will not let the matter rest.
    The solution is in his hands and the bottom line is that he owes us money and as long as he refuses to pay it he is supporting and encouraging any “defamation” against him. He has no defense so long as he refuses to face his responsibilites and repay the money he owes – actions speak louder than words.

    Janice Walker 25 Mar 2007, 09:02 - Report
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Carefull w. Fraudster Dan in Marbella

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