In Prison In Spain

What to do if someone you know gets imprisoned

Is someone you know or love in prison in Spain? In this article you will find details of associations who can help, what you can and can’t do, tips and advice, and real life stories.

Each prison has its own regulations which you can find out by calling the prison direct. Please bear in mind that you will probably have to speak Spanish. If possible ask your lawyer to make the arrangements.

Prisoners are allowed one visit per week, in a highly secured area. The area is divided into cubicles, and you communicate though bullet proof glass via a telephone.

Vis a Vis; You have your visit in a small bedroom, behind locked doors, the rooms are normally very basic, but clean, there is a bathroom, and towels and condoms are provided. You are not allowed to take food or drinks of any kind, the prisoners are made to buy these from the prison, prior to the visit. After the visit the prisoner is strip searched.

For all prison visits you are obliged to walk through a scanner, all metal objects, coins, keys, belts, etc, have to be deposited on a table. Mobile phones, cigarettes, and sometimes pens are not allowed on either of the above visits.

On a Vis a Vis a second scan is performed with a wand before you enter the room.

Prisoners are allowed to make five telephone calls per week, in order to do this they must purchase a telephone card from the prison.

Letters may be sent home, prisoners can buy stationary and stamps from the prison. Many prisoners give letters to other prisoners in a vis a vis visit, to be taken and posted for them, this is not officially allowed.

You may send letters to a prisoner all letters are opened and checked.

Money In Prison

Prisoners are allowed 60,00 euros per week, this must be deposited in to the prison bank account, with the name of the prisoner, and the module number. This money is given to the prisoner on an allocated day of the week.

Prisoners are not given any money from any source except their families and friends, although basic meals and toiletries are provided if a person needs to buy food, cigarettes, beverages or extra toiletries they need to be sent money.

Prisoner have to order televisions and trainers direct from the prison.


Most prisons are allowed 2 parcels per month. These have to be taken to the prison on the allotted day, parcels can’t be posted.

Parcels can include:

Parcels Can’t include:


By Spanish Sun Newspaper. The number 1 independently owned newspaper on the Costa del Sol and the Canary Islands.  . © 2003-2025 Just Landed