
Looking for a job on the Internet

The rapid development of the Internet has led to a huge increase in the number of online recruitment agencies and job search sites.

Some sites charge a subscription fee to access their vacancy listings, but many allow job seekers to review and respond to listings free of charge. It’s also possible to submit your CV online (usually free), but it’s wise to consider the security implications of this move. By giving your home address or phone number, you could lay yourself open to nuisance phone calls or even worse. A number of websites that list vacancies in Italy are listed below:

It’s worth noting that you may not find any information in English on Italian websites (those which end .it). However, if your Italian skills are poor, you can obtain a rough translation using the (free) Babel Fish translator provided by the search engine company Alta Vista. Enter  in your browser, then enter the address of the website that you wish to visit in the Babel Fish dialogue box that appears. You will be presented with an instant translation of the web page in question into the language selected.

This article is an extract from Living and Working in Italy from Survival Books. © 2003-2025 Just Landed