• I just left Texas, USA and am now living in Maastricht, The Netherlands. I had to quickly find a room, went to a real estate agent, and signed a contract for a year, because my IB Bachelor Studies at Maastricht University kicked-off about three weeks ago.

    Now, however, people tell me that the rent is to high as well -more important- as the fact that it is ILLEGAL FOR THE LANDLORD TO HAVE ME SIGN A 1 YEAR-LONG CONTRACT. Is this true, can I get out of my room? Thanks so much for your help.

    Have a great day,
    take care,

    [email removed]

    15 sep 2005, 11:28 Anonymous
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  • regarding the rental contract issue

    Hey Uli,
    I know how you feel cause I'm in the same shit-hole. Came from NY to contiue studies here and got tangled with this real-estate agent (DirectWonen). I had to sign a lease too and although I practically begged the guy to have it translated in English so that I could read it before signing it, this was just not possible. In my despiration to get a roof above my head I trusted the guy and signed. WHAT A MISTAKE! I was promised furniture, light fixtures, curtains and a paint job. When I was given the key, I opened the door to a stinky and empty house.
    Listen, is your contract in English? Is it in Dutch? Get somebody to translate it to you and to check out and see if you have the one-month-warning thing. This means that you can leave the place if you want to providing that you tell the landlord one month before. This is what I am currently doing. Trying to see if I have at least that. Have you given him a one month security deposit? If so, tell the dude to keep that money and just don't pay the last month of your stay which will be the month you'll be moving out. I'm telling you, once you tell him that you want to move out the next month, there will be a parade of "future victims" taking a look at your place, so be aware of that. From what I've understood so far, it is a real drag around here to be a tenant. In the states things are better with that because the landlord can actually get his ass kicked if he tries to pull stunts like these. The real-estate place is also one basic factor to blame as well. Good luck man. Hope you have the one-month-warning deal in your contract.

    Anonymous 21 sep 2005, 06:44 - Rapporteer misbruik
  • Yes, you can!

    If not stated otherwise (in the rental contract) you have a 1 month notice period (opzegtermijn in Dutch). Which means that even if you have a one year contract, you can tell the land lord end september that you will be leaving en of october.

    Remember one thing, in the Netherlands the tenant enjoys more legal protection than does the landlord, so do not be afraid to open your mouth and ask what you want.

    Maybe some people think they can treat you bad because you are a foreigner, but if you do not let them, you will not have any problems.


    Anonymous 27 sep 2005, 11:12 - Rapporteer misbruik
  • rental contract

    I want to tell all foreign students that you really should not worry about the contract.As a land lord (or lady)myself I know that you are protected very well.You can always stop a contract even though sometimes you have a 2 month notice.It is of course not illegal for him to let you sign a one year contract.There are also rules about how expensive these rooms are allowed to be.(punten systeem)With furniture is extra and also use of washingmachine etc.But for foreigners holland is a very expensive country to rent a place!!!dutch people are also sometimes very picky about the rooms.Centeroff town,with nice people lot off space no sharing bathrooms etc etc.


    Anonymous 28 sep 2005, 11:03 - Rapporteer misbruik
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