Looking 4 a place 2 stay

  • Hello! I, m Robin 25 years old and a very kind open minded person.
    I could offer people a place 2 stay at my place at the subburp of Amsterdam near to a tram stop to Amsterdam centre, takes only 15 minutes.
    I could show you the best spots in Amsterdam and can give you a great time!

    I only charge money 4 food and expect if you want me to go with you 2 a club you will pay entrance 4 me. I don't drink alcohol so that won't cost you anything!

    Further importent information: I,m not gay or going to rape or rob anybodey! The same I expect from you!

    Also important: we have 2 contact first to get to know each other a bit, not EVEREYBODY can stay at my place....you will be selected on kindness!!!

    11 okt 2005, 05:53 Anonymous
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