Dutch female student would like to rent a room

  • Hi, I’m a 25 years old female student (non-smoking) from the Netherlands.

    From the middle of March until the middle of July I will stay in Geneva for an emplacement at the World Health Organization. Therefore I’m looking for a room which I can rent in a shared flat, students house or shared apartment. A furnished room and internet access is desirable.

    I hope anybody can help me finding a place to stay with other people/students so I will have a great time in CH!

    All tips and suggestions are welcome!!! Thanks in advance!

    19 feb 2008, 02:57 Frederiek
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  • email

    You can send me an email for tips and/or suggestions!
    [email removed]

    Frederiek 19 feb 2008, 03:18 - Rapporteer misbruik
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