German / English speaking people required

  • Hello I am looking for people who speak both English and German to aid with the European launch of our business into Germany. We are part of an 83 year old UK plc that has traded in profit every year since we started.
    You would be self employed, so this business can be run along your own current commitments. You choose your own hours. Part time, spare time or full time the choice is yours. You must be over 21 years old and hold a bank account within Germany for your extra bonuses to be paid into.
    This is a business related to direct sales (Home shopping) and Network Marketing. Full back up and support is available. Please note this is NOT pyramid selling. We are members of the UK DSA (Direct Selling Association) and we have helped to out rule pyramid selling in the UK. We are a regulated and legitimate home based business and the oldest, most respected Network Marketing company in the UK.
    For further information please email: [email removed] or visit:

    29 Mar 2006, 12:38 Anonymous
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