Part Time Work from home roles available

  • Lionbridge Technologies, Inc. (Nasdaq: LIOX) is a leading provider of globalization and testing services. Lionbridge combines global resources with proven program management methodologies to serve as an outsource partner throughout a client's product and content lifecycle -- from development to globalization, testing and maintenance. Global organizations in all industries rely on Lionbridge services to increase international market share, speed adoption of global products and content, and enhance their return on enterprise applications and IT system investments. Based in Waltham, Mass., Lionbridge now maintains more than 50 solution centers in 25 countries and provides services under the Lionbridge and VeriTest brands. To learn more, visit
    The search specialist will be our contact point for search engine feedback for that locale (Country+Lang). He/she will actively discover, collect and report search engines issues, help suggest/prioritize features, and track launches and product feedback that affect the locale. The Search Specialist is also our "eyes and ears" on the ground. He/she will track other competing products, local news and trends, and make feature/product suggestions to keep the search engine superior in the local market.

    Search Specialist minimal job requirement
    • Generate search experience reports with details on search quality, features, User Interface, and competitive landscape (Average frequency- 1 per month)
    • Complete weekly tasks. Perform lightweight analysis on results, and produce feedback on these tasks.
    • Keep inventory of competitors that we should be aware of, and assist in identifying eval targets
    • Continuously provide feedback on issues, bugs, etc. via sparrow, buganizer, and other means into search engine teams. (Average file count -3/4 per week)
    • Conduct lightweight user research (usability, focus groups, field studies, etc).
    • Complete adhoc tasks at the request of international quality PM/eng/marketing teams

    Requirements and Qualifications
    • Reside in country for more than five years
    • Fluent in local language
    • Fluent in English
    • college degree or equivalent
    • Strong written communication skills
    • Very enthusiastic about improving search experience and also technology in general. Not necessarily an engineer, but a technical enthusiast
    • Knowledgeable about local online market landscape, business dynamics, and can analyze competitive search situation
    • Marketing or business experience is a plus

    Please can you send your Curriculum Vitae in English to: [email removed]


    21 Lis 2007, 01:57 Lionbridge Technologies
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