work in Germany-export with Asia

  • Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren

    My name is Simon, I am 28 and French. I plan to move to Germany in the near future and would be grateful if somebody could give me his/her point of view about the job market. .I would like to work in trade in connexion with Asia ( I speak fluently Chinese and a bit thai). Germany has a very strong export activity (notably with Asia) and I guess ( hope…) that there are much more opportunities in Germany than in France ( very quiet…) It would be great if somebody could give me his/her opinion about that!

    And also, is it possible to start to work only by using English? My German is a bit limited now but by reviewing in Germany I should be ok in short time…

    Thank you in advance!

    Vielen Dank schon im voraus Ihre Antwort.

    Mit freundlichen Gruessen


    [email removed]

    14 Lut 2009, 06:04 Simon
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