Carefull w. Fraudster Dan in Marbella

  • ACHTUNG: Betrüger in Marbella

    Dan Sela, +447748274400 + +442079317997 0034/666999738 Email [email removed]

    02 Oct 2005, 02:02 Anonymous
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  • Was there a congress

    No there was not.

    Janice Walker 15 Mar 2007, 11:35 - Report
  • Good luck locking up Dan!

    As I saw two of my good friends working their asses of to go to the congress, I was amazed what they gave up and overwon for their passion! All of you did that.
    This horrible guy is like a parasite, a epidemic.

    It doesnt matter how old you are, how long you are dancing, you share this feeling. It should be a sport, a great passion which is celebrated in so many countries. He took advantage of honest people who have the same hobby. Let it not kill your passion to dance, Dont let him win! I wish it was legal to linch that guy..

    Someone very special told me this advice: ALWAYS FIGHT!

    Please continue. He is almost finished. In so many countries he cant go back. He feels hunted, because he is. So stupid the day they let him go.

    Sarah-The Netherlands 16 Mar 2007, 02:56 - Report
  • in the interests of truth and openness

    I received an email yesterday from Gina Navarrete, Dan Sela's partner.
    One of her accusations was that I am posting anonymously on this forum, therefore I will post my response in full on here.
    My full contact details are on

    Janice Walker 16 Mar 2007, 07:03 - Report
  • Peru Congress

    Has Mr. Sela given any refunds to people who paid for a Congress that did not happen? What about the hotel it was supposed to be at? Was it actually booked and paid for? He could be facing embezzlement charges. Email Supadance, Very Fine Shoes, etc. and find out what his status is with them. What about the band he hired. Contact them and see if there was a contract. Is he lisenced to do business in Peru, or is he there on a tourist visa. All these questions and more need to be persued and answered. More info coming soon......

    Anonymous 17 Mar 2007, 03:11 - Report
  • Dan Sela makes legal threats

    Hi everyone,

    I won't go into details, but I have been screwed by Dan Sela in the past.

    I found this forum and emailed Just Landed to ask them if they knew where this guy was. They said they did have contact details, but could not release them as this would be a breach of privacy laws. This is a bit crap, but I do understand their position.

    Anyway, I talked to them on the phone and they still would not release any details and told me that they had been threatened with various legal actions by Dan Sela so could not comment further until these have been looked at. They are still in the process of trying to understand the nature of his complaint - he has claimed there are 'defamatory statments' in this forum. So please post evidence of his 'activities' if you have it or links to evidence.

    Just Landed seem to want to do the right thing in terms or protecting free speech and freedom of expression. However, I got the impression they need to see some firm evidence in order to make a stand against his threats. SO HELP THEM OUT!!

    Long live liberty of speech and freedom of expression. I hope this forum helps other people avoid being defrauded of their hard-earned cash!!

    Thanks, John

    Let's just call me John 17 Mar 2007, 04:58 - Report
  • some answers

    I’ll try to answer the questions I have personal knowledge of.
    Anonymous: To my knowledge no one has received refunds – certainly no one I know has been contacted by Dan or Gina with regards to refunds but then I only know a few people who were involved. The only contact I have had has been the email above. Yesterday I emailed the police officer who dealt with the original complaint and asked him to bring me up to speed on what was happening as Dan had promised them at the police station on the Friday that he would get his mother to send him some money and repay us all on the Monday. I also copied him in on the email and reply reproduced above.
    I visited the Hotel Bolivar with Dan a few days before the “congress” and can confirm that it was booked (he made a big deal of showing me the contract) but not paid for. That’s all my first hand knowledge of that but I believe if you call them they may tell you a different story to the one Dan told.
    I have been in contact with the people from the hotel España where Dan and Gina stayed for a month where and I stayed for 10 days but rather than pass on hearsay I would advise you to contact them. I do have to say that in all the time I was there I found them to be 100% courteous, pleasant and friendly and they couldn’t do enough to help, so much so that we have stayed in touch. I would recommend that hotel to anyone without reservation. They are nice people and in my opinion they too would benefit from, and merit, any help anyone can give them.
    I did email Supadance who are a well respected company – in fact had there been a congress I would have been wearing Supadance shoes. I had a prompt reply from their CEO stating that Dan Sela did not represent his company and that he would try to get the claim removed from the Sela Salsa website.
    As far as I am aware Dan is in Perú on a tourist visa and all legal paperwork was in the name of one of his friends here. I can’t name names in regard to this situation or say more because I have no evidence – only hearsay from Dan.

    John: Having been involved in implementing Data Protection legislation in Europe in the past I can understand why the forum controllers have to be careful. However, all of his phone numbers were publicly exhibited here and I can confirm that the one listed for Perú is the one Dan was using in Lima. Should that phone number be removed as it has been from the main site I have an archived copy of the website.
    To my knowledge Dan has threatened legal action against the hotel, me, two very nice young people from Venezuela, several people in earlier posts on this site and now this site itself. My friend has also been threatened physically by phone by someone acting for Dan – whether with or without his knowledge I don’t know. It seems to be a particular pattern and personally I’m not the least bit worried about it. In my opinion as long as you speak the truth you have nothing to fear.

    If anyone needs any more info please feel free to contact me and I will answer honestly if I can.

    Janice Walker 17 Mar 2007, 07:50 - Report
  • Using My Name

    My name is Isaac Altman and the post that you see using my name was put up falsly. You can always write me at [email removed] to verify statements from myself and the World Salsa Federation. I have been in communication with Mr. Sela since 2003. We have kept all his email communications and will post any that may be relevant. His manner, as far as we can see is to threaten with lawsuits. We at the WSF are not concerned with his threats and are launching an investigation on him due to his demeanor towards the WSF and Salsa in general. Having any kind of purported scandal in the Salsa World does affect us all. We are also looking into who posted a previous comment on this site stating they were Isaac Altman, CEO of the WSF. Again you can always contact me at [email removed] for verification of this post.

    Isaac Altman 18 Mar 2007, 08:17 - Report
  • The people see what they WANT to see

    John: here is not anyy SPEECH FREEDOM that value more tahn the human diginity, once that the people start to make damage to person, post offensive messages, defamation without evidence, is not freedom that can value. So? why you push people to find proofs againts Dan Sela? because you dont have it!!! but still you want destroy him is OBSVIOS, why you dont say what he make you what for you heat him so so deep?

    Janice: I have a question for you. If you never found this forum against Dan, Would you make all this and change the friendship that you have with Dan for this war? I remember you, that this forum start in 2005 with anonimous messages, and after as a rumor, and after you were inspired by this information to made a big show there. EVERYONE IS HAPPY WITH SALSA, latins love dance we have it in our blood, something that you can not say. But is NOT HAPPY when people work a lot in something to make this happend for several months and you come and see that you dont have all the support that you need because Luis Zegarra made boicot already in all media and dance schools before landing on here, and you knew also this, and still you continue to give the congress to the peopple that see good intentions and plus the defamations on internet and plus with a base on just landed you open a police investigation that is totally ridiculus. I saw how Dan and Gina work so hard until the last moment and still when they knew that they are working to get NON PROFIT, it need to be crazy. You ask to Dan participate as performers in this congress and he gave you to you and your partner enrique, (who treat you so bad), the oportunity to teach when you and enrique are just starting, that it was your first congress and that even when you dont have students and your partner is not base. And your way to show your support to Dan, it was "lets give him a punch in his face after all that he makes" this was so bad from you when Dan considereate a friend. They didnt come from so far to make a fraud, in that case they never suposse to land, they came to gave us a party, BUT You and people see WHAT YOU WANT TO SEE.

    John: I think you are part of the staff of just landed, I can also start to invent story about you and janice in forums on my specch fredoom. Why you dont give more information about you? Who are you?

    Salsera Peruana 23 Mar 2007, 06:14 - Report
  • Ernesto Vegas y Barbara Leal - defraud sela salsa


    Mails from the Real Fusion Salsera. Dan Sela, was contact by Ernesto to ask participate in his congress on Janury 10 2007.

    Saludos y Buenas Tardes en relación al correo que les mandó el Sr. Ernesto Vegas en su oportunidad, le informamos que el SR. ERNESTO VEGAS NO PERTENECE a nuestra compañia de baile Fusión Salsera desde el mes de diciembre del 2006, por lo cual les comunicamos que cualquier trámite en relación a nuestra academia solo puede atendido a través del Sr. Willian Santana (Director) telefono +58 4143250096 o por Juan Carlos Linares (Sub Director) teléfono +58 4125970907 o por los correos [email removed], [email removed] o [email removed]. Estamos muy interesados en participar en su evento, motivo por el cual les agradeceríamos nos informaran como podrían ayudarnos para asistir y presentar nuestro trabajo.

    Es importante que tome en cuenta lo antes mencionado ya que Fusión Salsera es una compañía registrada en Venezuela y lamentablemente tenemos información de que otras personas se están haciendo pasar por representante de nuestra academia para poder hacer contratos fuera del país con un grupo de bailarínes totalmente ajenos a nuestro equipo lo cual es un delito contemplado en las leyes de nuestro país y usted podría ser víctima de estafa.. en caso de que recibir algún tipo de solicitud por parte de estas personas estaríamos muy agradecidos a fin de poder estar al tanto de esta situación...

    Muchas Gracias

    Willian Santana
    (Director Fusión Salsera)

    Juan Carlos Linares
    (Sub-Director Fusión Salsera)

    Hola Dan y Gina, mi nombre es Juan Carlos Linares, ID 14526929 y legalmente soy una de las personas autorizadas a representar a Fusión Salsera, (yo fui uno de los que te llamó vía telefónica para alertarte de lo sucedido el 28 de febrero), te comento que ya iniciamos las acciones legales pertinentes en nuestro país y ante las embajadas involucradas... sería de mucha ayuda contar con ustedes para este proceso ya que ustedes fueron uno de los primeros organizadores en ser engañados... para ello solo necesitaría que me enviaran copia de la carta de invitación que le hicieron a ernesto vegas donde especifican los nombres de los bailarines que supuestamente forman parte de fusión salsera, asimismo, quisiera saber si les realizaste algun pago de los que habian acordado por correo ya que es posible hacer que te los reintegren... y adicionalmente si saben que coreografía o canción bailaron, eso sería lo único que tendrían que informarnos .... Gracias y esperamos poder hacer Justicia sobre este caso y evitar que la creciente cultura de la Salsa se vea afectada por este tipo de gente.

    Juan Carlos Linares
    Fusión Salsera.

    salsera peruana 23 Mar 2007, 06:25 - Report
  • Pilar Galicia from Hotel España

    La señora Pilar Galicia de Hotel España fue llamada a declarar el dia lunes pasado en la comisaria turistica de avenida españa en Lima. Los cargos que s ele acusan son por ESTAFA, HURTO AGRAVADO y APROPIACION ILICITA ya que la habitacion que ocupaban Dan y Gina fue saqueada de objetos personales de valor que haciende a los 1,200 usa dollares, camara digital, cds, zapatillas, ropa, reloj, alajas, celulares, ipod etc. Mas el cobro excesivo de habitaciones cuyo precio real es de 40 soles. La demandada Pilar Galicia no ha esclarecido si fue ella la saqueadora, la policia, sus empleados o los turistas que estuvieron hospedados en el hotel durante esos dias, entre ellos Janice Walker y Enrique Huangual.

    La denuncia se encuentra en el libro no. 602 d ela comisaria especial de turismo de lima centro. La denuncia fue interpuesta el dia 15 de marzo 2007 y se encuentra en investigacion.

    Salsera Peruana 23 Mar 2007, 06:37 - Report
  • La Difamacion por Internet

    la difamacion en internet
    Usó Internet para una denuncia y lo condenaron por calumnias

    Un médico, con seudónimo, acusó a un colega de aceptar comisiones ilegales en una universidad · Pero las acusaciones resultaron falsas · Y se descubrió la identidad del denunciante · El caso sienta precedente
    CARL KAPLAN. The New York Times. Especial para Clarín.

    Un juez de Virginia, Estados Unidos, aceptó el veredicto de un jurado de recompensar con 675.000 dólares por daños y perjuicios al doctor Sam Graham, urólogo y ex profesor de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Emory, que fue acusado en un panel de mensajes en el portal de Internet Yahoo, de aceptar comisiones ilegales mientras trabajaba en la universidad. Las acusaciones las escribió un individuo que utilizó el alias "fbiinformat" y que, más tarde, resultó ser el doctor Jonathan Oppenheimer, un patólogo residente en Nashville.

    El 25 de octubre un jurado determinó que Oppenheimer era culpable de difama ción y de ocasionarle a Graham angustia emocional. Para llegar a ese veredicto, el jurado concluyó que las declaraciones escritas por Oppenheimer eran falsas y perjudiciales para la reputación de Graham y que, al publicarlas, actuó con negligencia.

    Oppenheimer dijo en una entrevista que piensa apelar la sentencia. Reconoció que las declaraciones que hizo eran falsas, pero dijo que creía que eran ciertas cuando las escribió. "Si no revierten el fallo, me van a arruinar", dijo.

    Según los abogados, esta puede ser la primera condena por calumnia en Estados Unidos contra un acusado de publicar un mensaje anónimo en Internet.

    El caso también sirve como recordatorio importante, según los expertos, de que las reglas de difamación son tan aplicables online como en el mundo de los diarios y revistas.

    "Este caso demuestra que se puede responsabilizar a la gente de lo que pone en Internet aunque lo haga en forma anónima", dijo Lyrissa Barnett Lidsky, profesora de derecho y experta en difamación en el ciberespacio.

    "La gente tiene que entender que si hace declaraciones online que afectan la reputación de una persona, es mejor que se asegure de que esas declaraciones sean ciertas. De lo contrario, se los puede acusar de difamación", agregó.

    Según los documentos presentados en el caso, el doctor Graham renunció a su puesto en la Universidad Emory en julio de 1998 para trasladarse a Richmond, Virginia, y dedicarse a la práctica privada. Meses después, en febrero del 99, el siguiente texto apareció en un panel de mensajes de Yahoo dedicado a información sobre Urocor Inc., un laboratorio en Oklahoma: "Sam Graham se desempeñaba como director del Departamento de Urología de la Clínica Emory, en Atlanta. Urocor decidió cobrarle menos al Departamento por sus servicios de patología y ofrecerle a Graham una parte del dinero que recibía por hacer la patología. Esto funcionó bien hasta que al pobre tipo lo descubrieron con las manos en la masa y tuvo que renunciar a su prestigioso cargo". El mensaje estaba firmado por "fbiinformat".

    Graham se sintió "absolutamente afectado" cuando un amigo le contó lo del mensaje en Yahoo, recordó en una entrevista reciente. "Perjudicar el honor de alguien y pensar que se puede salir indemne sólo por hablar desde el anonimato es terrible", dijo. E inició una demanda legal.

    Después de 7 meses de investigación, los abogados de Graham lograron vincular a Oppenheimer con el seudónimo de transcripciones de una demanda legal anterior, no vinculada a este caso. En una de ellas, Oppenheimer, mientras trabajaba en Urocor, declaró que se había hecho pasar por "fbiinformant". Oppenheimer fue despedido de Urocor en 1997.

    Antes del juicio, Oppenheimer admitió que escribió el mensaje el 7 de febrero, y que el doctor Graham no fue obligado a renunciar a Emory. Durante el juicio, los abogados de Graham presentaron pruebas de que las declaraciones escritas por Oppenheimer sobre las comisiones ilegales eran falsas y difamatorias. También buscaron demostrar que Oppenheimer actuó irresponsablemente cuando publicó la información después de oírla de parte de un tercero, sin hacer los esfuerzos suficientes para verificar su veracidad.

    Kurt A. Wimmer, un abogado especialista en medios en Covington & Burling, un estudio legal con sede en Washington DC, dijo que el caso Graham no sería demasiado significativo si no fuera por el hecho de que es el primer caso de difamación en Internet de este tipo. Hay muchas áreas en el derecho donde los mundos offline y online se tratan de la misma manera", dijo. "La difamación es uno de ellos. Si uno difama a alguien en forma anónima y se descubre su identidad, se aplican las leyes de difamación y calumnia. Es así en Internet y es así fuera de Internet".

    Para Robert M. O''Neil, director del Centro Thomas Jefferson para la Protección de la Libre Expresión y profesor de derecho en la Universidad de Virginia, "el medio no marca la más mínima diferencia".

    Sin embargo, para la profesora Lidsky, de la Universidad de Florida, existe una gran diferencia entre los discursos difamatorios en el mundo online y en el mundo offline.

    Después de todo, si Internet no existiera, el acusado en el caso Graham tal vez habría hecho un comentario de pasillo y no habría existido ninguna demanda, explicó Lidsky. Pero en Internet, la gente que se compromete en este tipo de prácticas debe entender que existe la posibilidad de ser objeto una demanda legal.


    Salsera Peruana 24 Mar 2007, 08:25 - Report
  • Primera sentencia por difamación contra un blog

    Primera sentencia por difamación contra un blog reabre el debate sobre la regulación de internet

    NANJING, 4 ago (Xinhua) -- La justicia china ha dado la razón a un profesor universitario quien demandó a la principal página web del país especializada en blogs,, tras publicar un estudiante declaraciones difamatorias contra éste.

    El Tribunal Popular del distrito de Gulou, perteneciente a Nanjing, capital de la provincia de Jiangsu, ordenó el miércoles a Blogcn el pago de 1.000 yuanes (125 dólares USA) a Chen Tangfa, profesor asociado de la Escuela de Periodismo de la Universidad de Nanjing, así como a publicar una disculpa formal durante 10 días.

    En junio de 2005 Chen halló un blog de un antiguo alumno en el que aparecían insultos difamatorios relativos a sus clases. Inmediatamente se dirigió al servicio de atención al cliente de Blogcn para solicitar la eliminación del contenido difamatorio, petición que fue desatendida argumentando no tener derecho a eliminar los comentarios de un usuario registrado.

    Tras fracasar las negociaciones, Chen demandó en diciembre a la página web. De acuerdo con el demandante, a pesar de que el estudiante se escondía tras el seudónimo K007, su identidad era conocida, si bien no deseaba llevarlo ante los tribunales.

    "El objetivo de mi demanda es recordar a Blogcn que cuenta con un papel relevante en la supervisión de sus contenidos", afirma Chen, quien considera que su caso muestra que la dignidad personal está por encima de la libertad de expresión y que muestra significativamente que los usuarios de blogs pueden ser controlados por la justicia.

    Fang Huaifeng, portavoz de Blogcn, por su parte afirma que su compañía examinará en adelante con detenimiento cualquier reclamación recibida. En caso de considerar que existen contenidos difamatorios, éstos serán eliminados tras informar a su autor.

    Algunos medios analizan estos días el impacto que la decisión judicial puede tener sobre el futuro de este tipo de diarios personales. El debate ha sido abierto igualmente entre expertos en derecho y usuarios de internet.

    "Los blogs no son diarios personales que uno guarde en la intimidad, pueden llegar a ser leídos por un gran número de personas, por lo que es imperativa la creción de nuevas regulaciones para controlar este tipo de actividades", señala Ye Yu, abogado del bufete Liuhong.

    Algunos expertos esperan que la legislación exija a las páginas web la responsabilidad derivada de la publicación de contenidos. Asimismo, demandan que los usuarios deban identificarse para poder publicar sus textos.

    Sin embargo, muchos usuarios consideran que será difícil establecer un control férreo sobre los contenidos publicados en los mundialmente famosos cuadernos de bitácora.

    "Sería insultante permitir al personal de una página web controlar lo que escribimos en nuestro propio espacio", afirma Fang Jing, blogger afincada en la capital china, quien considera que la intromisión de terceras personas reduciría en gran medida el atractivo de la escritura.

    La regulación vigente en China exige a las páginas web eliminar cualquier mensaje inapropiado publicado por un usuario, sin embargo, numerosas páginas no cuentan con los medios, el personal o la intención de moderar toda la información entrante.

    El pasado año el número de usuarios de blog de China se elevó a 16 millones, más de un diez por ciento de sus usuarios de internet. Según las predicciones de la prestigiosa Universidad Tsinghua, el número de usuarios podría elevarse a 60 millones este año y alcanzar los 100 millones en 2007. Fin

    Salsera Peruana 24 Mar 2007, 08:29 - Report
  • Primera demanda por difamación y libelo cometido a través de Internet

    Primera demanda por difamación y libelo cometido a través de Internet en la Isla

    jueves, 26 de octubre de 2006
    Por primera vez en Puerto Rico la difusión de un correo electrónico se convierte en un motivo para radicar una demanda de carácter civil por difamación, libelo y calumnia. La cadena de comida Ponte Fresco demandó a Beatriz M. Sierra, de 27 años, a causa de la difusión de un “e-mail” y su negativa por confirmar la veracidad de sus alegatos. La cadena Ponte Fresco aseguró que ha sufrido cuantiosas pérdidas económicasa causa de la joven. Según la empresa, con locales en Plaza Las Américas en Hato Rey y Garden Hills Plaza en Guaynabo, el Departamento de Salud inspeccionó los dos locales de Ponte Fresco y le otorgó calificaciones excepcionales. Además, la agencia confirmó que nunca se informó ni se registró ningún caso de enfermedad relacionado con los productos de la cadena.

    Aparente y alegadamente, Sierra difundió a través de la red un e-mail difamatorio indicando que una conocida supuestamente había sido diagnosticada con hepatitis-A, luego de haber ingerido alimentos en Ponte Fresco, y que era la séptima paciente afectada con el mismo diagnóstico según le informó el médico que la atendió.

    La propietaria de Ponte Fresco, Mimi McCloskey, aseguró que antes de decidir demandar, se reunió con Sierra para llegar a un acuerdo. Ante la negativa de la joven para confirmar la veracidad de las imputaciones y revelar los nombres de las personas supuestamente afectadas, McCloskey, asesorada por sus abogados, decidió tomar acción legal en contra de Sierra.

    McCloskey no entró en detalles específicos sobre la demanda, ni reveló el monto de la misma, debido a que sus abogados aún se encuentran en un proceso de negociación.

    Según Eugenio Torres, abogado de la firma Ferraiuoli Torres Marchand & Rovira, P.S.C., ésta es la primera demanda por difamación y libelo cometido a través de Internet en la Isla. Torres añadió que en Estados Unidos, las prácticas difamatorias a través de internet se conocen como cybersmear (ciberdifamación).

    Salsera Peruana 24 Mar 2007, 08:31 - Report
  • ¿Hacia el fin de los foros Internet no moderados?

    ¿Hacia el fin de los foros Internet no moderados?

    Karine Solovieff, 01net., el 31 de mayo de 2002 a las 16h51

    Por primera vez, la justicia condena a unos webmaster's de webs's personales a causa de propósitos difamatorios proferidos, en sus foros, por los internautas.

    Al principio de la semana, la justicia condenaba, por dos veces, a webmaster's de páginas personales a causade mensajes difamatorios publicados en sus foros. No han sido los autores de estos mensajes, ni la empresahuésped, los incriminados.

    El primer caso , juzgado el 27 de mayo pasado, oponía la asociación de los Scouts de Europa a dos estudiantes,autores de un sitio personal satírico, titulado la "línea de protección de los Scouts de Europea".

    En el librode oro, algunos mensajes insultaban a la asociación, asimilando los scouts a los nazis. La asociación ha obtenido 0,15 euros de daños y perjuicios, y los webmaster's fueron condenados el lunespasado a 1 000 euros de multa condicional por el tribunal correccional de Rennes.

    El segundo caso se refiere a contra los responsables del sitio

    El presidente del tribunal de gran instancia de Lyon ha considerado que los webmaster's tenían que vigilar lospropósitos escritos en su foro. Han sido condenados por haber dejado publicar mensajes difamatorios e insultos.La suma reclamada por daños y perjuicios ha alcanzado esta vez los 80 000 euros. Dos jurisprudencias contradictorias Estas decisiones marcan un giro de la jurisprudencia francesa.

    Los jueces han considerado que era la ley francesa sobre la libertad de la prensa de 1881 la que se aplicaba.ésta prevé que el director de la publicación es responsable civil y penalmente en caso de difamación. Enausencia de dicho director, el responsable del sitio web es quien resulta plenamente responsable. Sin embargo, un caso similar, juzgado en febrero pasado que implicaba a la empresa Finance Net, editora delsitio Web Boursorama, conoció un fallo muy diferente. "El vicepresidente del tribunal de gran instancia deParís había considerado entonces que se estaba en el marco de la ley sobre los hospedadores de sitios Web del 1de agosto de 2000", cuenta Lionel Thoumyren jurista especializado.

    Esta ley estipula que un prestatario Internet sólo puede ser responsable civil y penalmente de los contenidosen sus servicios salvo si, a petición de una autoridad judicial, no ha actuado con vistas a impedir el acceso adicho contenido. Finance Net ha suprimido los propósitos y puesto a punto sistemas de alerta, por lo que el vicepresidentehabía considerado entonces que se había respetado la ley.

    Un nuevo "caso Lacambre" en vista Estos dos casos amenazan con hacer mucho ruido. En efecto, la mayoría de los foros en la Net francesa no sonmoderados. Todos los administradores de foros, los webmaster's de páginas personales que tienen un libro de oroo un foro y los editores de periódicos en línea deben desde ahora controlar todos los riesgos en que incurrenpor no comprobar lo que se escribe en dichos foros.

    Salsera Peruana 24 Mar 2007, 08:35 - Report
  • Salsera Peruana?

    Dan these posts are so obviously written by you and/or Gina and I find it quite insulting that you describe yourself as Peruana. Why do you hide behind an anomymous name? Many of us have posted openly and honestly, if you have nothing to fear then you should have nothing to hide.
    When I return home from Chile I will answer all points directed at me personally but to be honest I´m getting tired of all this bullshit that you are posting on here and in the unsolicied emails that you are sending me against my express wishes.
    Why don´t you stop throwing childish tantrums and either put up or shut up?

    Janice Walker 24 Mar 2007, 10:19 - Report
  • Old Janice

    I am Salsera and I am Peruana, if you dont want to beleave in that IS YOUR PROBLEM. Off course I am friend of Gina, You beleave or not Dan y Gina have a lot of riends!!!
    it is not my fault if you have not been having sex for 3 years ago!

    Salsera Peruana 25 Mar 2007, 01:03 - Report
  • thanks...

    for making me laugh so much the people in this internet cafe think I´ve gone mad.
    At last some light relief happyhappyhappyhappy
    I´m afraid though that it would take a bigger and better "person" than you to shut me up - many have tried... and failed. Keep trying though cos it´s very entertaining.

    Janice Walker 25 Mar 2007, 03:37 - Report
  • responses

    as promised I have responded to the comments directed at me personally below - my comments marked with >>>>.
    If "salsera peruana" has anything constructive to say - which I doubt - I will be interested to hear it.
    If Dan has any plans to repay the money he took from us for tickets to the non-event I would be even more interested to hear it.
    Further comments about my sex life or age however do not help - other than to offer entertainment value for any future court cases.

    Janice: I have a question for you. If you never found this forum against Dan, Would you make all this and change the friendship that you have with Dan for this war?
    >>>> If I had never found this forum I would still have expected Dan to return the money he borrowed from me and I would have expected a refund of the money I spent on tickets to an event that didn’t happen. I didn’t have a friendship with Dan, I had correspondence with him for a few months before the “congress” in regard to that. All that I and the others asked for was a refund of the money that we paid for an event that never took place – that is not unreasonable under the curcumstances and I do not believe that constiutes a war.
    As to “making all this” am I the only person complaining on here? Have you read the whole of these posts?

    I remember you, that this forum start in 2005 with anonimous messages, and after as a rumor, and after you were inspired by this information to made a big show there.
    >>>>This makes no sense, I had never heard of you until August 2006 so how can you remember me in 2005? If I had seen this information earlier it certainly wouldn’t have inspired me to do anything other than avoid you, I certainly wouldn’t have bought tickets to a congress from you or lent you any money. I read this for the first time on March 1st 2007.

    EVERYONE IS HAPPY WITH SALSA, latins love dance we have it in our blood, something that you can not say.
    >>>>So only latinos can love salsa? Interesting!

    But is NOT HAPPY when people work a lot in something to make this happend for several months and you come and see that you dont have all the support that you need because Luis Zegarra made boicot already in all media and dance schools before landing on here, and you knew also this, and still you continue to give the congress to the peopple that see good intentions and plus the defamations on internet and plus with a base on just landed
    >>>>What support are you suggesting I expected or needed to buy tickets to a salsa congress? I had no contact with Luis Zegarra until after all this happened and didn’t see this site until March 1st 2007.

    you open a police investigation that is totally ridiculus.
    >>>>Maybe you didn’t read the post above with the report from the police website – where does it say that I was the one that opened a police investigation? The guy from Belgium called the police after he was refused a refund. The rest of us were told by the police that we needed to make statements which we all did, truthfully and in full. Ridiculous? Hardly – maybe you can afford to lose several hundred dollars but I for one can not!

    I saw how Dan and Gina work so hard until the last moment and still when they knew that they are working to get NON PROFIT, it need to be crazy.
    >>>>Non Profit?? I have records of several conversations in which Dan told me the exact opposite – he was running a business – to make a profit.

    You ask to Dan participate as performers in this congress and he gave you to you and your partner enrique, (who treat you so bad), the oportunity to teach when you and enrique are just starting, that it was your first congress and that even when you dont have students and your partner is not base
    >>>>Not true, Dan asked us to perform and to teach not the other way round. Enrique and I are hardly just starting and we have sufficient students, primarily we want to dance – not teach. My partner is not base? What on earth does that mean?
    Enrique may have behaved stupidly and treated me badly – not that that is anyone’s business but ours - but at least he was man enough to admit to his mistakes, face up to what he had done, apologise to all involved – including Dan - and do his best to make amends, with the result that we are still close friends. Can Dan say the same? When he came to the hotel after being released from prison many of us were there - did he even attempt to talk to any of us, to apologise, explain or make reparations? No he didn’t, all we have had instead of refunds are insults, tantrums and empty threats of legal action. A few words of apology on that day and a sincere offer of refunds would have made a huge difference. Dan had an opportunity that day to show that he was genuine – he didn’t take it.

    And your way to show your support to Dan, it was "lets give him a punch in his face after all that he makes" this was so bad from you when Dan considereate a friend. They didnt come from so far to make a fraud, in that case they never suposse to land, they came to gave us a party, BUT You and people see WHAT YOU WANT TO SEE.
    >>>>Are you suggesting that I assaulted Dan? I do hope that you have evidence to back up that claim because it is a serious allegation – violence is not my style, I have enough intelligence that I do not need to resort to threats of violence.
    So what happened to the party?
    Why do you think I should have supported him? He offered an event that did not take place and as such people were entitled to refunds, I too am entitled to be repaid the money I lent him. How could I possibly support his refusal to do either? Had he been my best friend or my family I couldn’t support that so why should I support a man I met for the first time 5 days before?

    John: I think you are part of the staff of just landed, I can also start to invent story about you and janice in forums on my specch fredoom. Why you dont give more information about you? Who are you?
    >>>>Why would you want or need to invent stories? How sad and pathetic.

    >>>>All I can say on this subject is that Dan mentioned this correspondence before Ernesto and Barbara arrived and didn’t seem at all worried by it. From what I saw of them they are excellent dancers and nice people. They were left completely in the lurch having been promised that their food and lodgings would be paid for. They were left with no money to buy food which left Enrique and I, as the only people from Perú in the group, to take care of them. They were guests in our country – if you are truly Peruana what kind of hospitality did you show them? Thankfully we were able to make sure that they left with a good impression of Perú.
    As to Pilar, she too is an extremely nice person and all I ever saw was her doing her best to help everyone involved. I haven’t heard a single bad word against any of the staff from anyone who stayed there and all of us are recommending the hotel to our friends. When the hotel Bolivar cancelled because Dan didn’t pay the bill before their deadline she was the one willing to let him relocate to the Hotel Espana.
    As to him including my and Enrique’s name in this so called denuncia, any false allegations that you have made against us will be treated extremely seriously, and unlike you I do not make empty threats of legal action.
    Interesting allegation though that Dan was overcharged claiming the rooms should have been 40 soles each as he told the rest of us the price was $25 - approximately 81 soles. so what happened the the other 41 soles per night that I gave Dan to pay for my first 5 nights at the hotel?

    Just one more thing, this team of international lawyers that Dan is claiming he is using to sue apparently everyone he knows….. if he can afford their fees why can he not afford to simply pay all of us the money that he owes us and put an end to all of this? All this would have been avoided had he done so and as long as none of us receive those refunds we can not and will not let the matter rest.
    The solution is in his hands and the bottom line is that he owes us money and as long as he refuses to pay it he is supporting and encouraging any “defamation” against him. He has no defense so long as he refuses to face his responsibilites and repay the money he owes – actions speak louder than words.

    Janice Walker 25 Mar 2007, 09:02 - Report
  • Old Janice

    Ok, you want to make yourself as interesting person. You can continue, but tell me? WHAT STYLE DO YOU DANCE? Janices answer:"i dont know" jejejej. Poor of your "students" that you say that you have, the way how you defraud them! jajaja You must to continue practicing, because this congress suposse to be your first time on a stage making the ridiculous(and this was because dan didnt say you on video before, it is wasnt like that, even because you offer yourself for free, you have never been on the publicity), i think that you NEVER will make a show in a congress, this was because Dan make you a favor to promot you and you were to one day to go over the stage and make your debut, and you pay back with a scandal, with you partner quique that no practice with you and is evident that dont suffer you, is obvious that he dance with you because in cusco is nobody else, happy but if it was not like that you will must to dance with your cat, because he prefer his sexual life (something that you dont have obviously) than to go and dance with you. So if Dan invited you to teach and perform, why you dont show the official invitation letter?,it supousse that all artist have one when someone invited to participate in a congress, but you dont have it sad obviously, because you offer yourself!!! when you were so gelozing of your friend cesar and even you speak shit about him to convince dan dont call him for the congress!! sorry but this is the true YOU ARE NOT A WHITE BIRD!, By the way, you can love the latin life, i never said that non latin people can not, but in your particular case, you can try all what you want but first look at your foot, sorry darling!and again by the way, if you are interesting to know about lawyers of dan you must to ask him, is not your bussines but is so big your hunger of drop poison that now you speak at the name of everyone here even the anonymous people that according with you are very "honest". The good point here is that you recognize that you has been influence from this forum againts dan. Interesting!

    Salsera Peruana 27 Mar 2007, 08:31 - Report
  • Response to Old Janice

    JANICE SAY:Interesting allegation though that Dan was overcharged claiming the rooms should have been 40 soles each as he told the rest of us the price was $25 - approximately 81 soles. so what happened the the other 41 soles per night that I gave Dan to pay for my first 5 nights at the hotel?

    Dont forget that everyone in the hotel, knew Pilar Galicia in person, and every one pay directly to her and she by herself told everyone 25 dollars, this is whhy everyone get a invoice or note writed and signed by Pilar with this fees. Is very clear that the woman also defraud to you and the others one. dan didnt was in the hotel and he didnt received any money everyone paid pilar directly, dont start to make a mix because you are angry. Also the claim is about his stolen stuffs, in the room next to your room, from where Pilar stole, and may be you and quique and other guys entered there and stole our things. Who knows! may be you and pilar cover one to other one. I mean this is what i think!

    sasera peruana 27 Mar 2007, 08:51 - Report
  • Peruana?

    quote...Also the claim is about his stolen stuffs, in the room next to your room, from where Pilar stole, and may be you and quique and other guys entered there and stole our things... endquote

    So tha would make Salsera Peruana Gina from Mexico then unless you were having a secret threesome in that room?

    Other than that observation I will not dignify this childish rubbish with a reply.

    Janice Walker 27 Mar 2007, 09:49 - Report
  • Internet Defamation can carry a Big Price Tag

    Internet Defamation can carry a Big Price Tag

    Thu, 2006-10-12 13:51
    Daya Gamage – US National Correspondent for Asian Tribune
    Washington, D.C. 12 October ( A Florida woman who won a lawsuit against a Louisiana woman, who posted messages on the internet accusing her of being a "crook" and a "fraud" said of the State of Florida’s Broward Circuit Court jury award of $11.3 million "People are using the internet to destroy people they don’t like, and you can’t do that."

    Susan Scheff and her Weston-based company, Parents Universal Resource Experts Inc., won the jury verdict in Broward Circuit Court in Florida against Carey Bock for posting defamatory statements about her on an internet bulletin board viewed by parents, according to court pleadings.

    In this case, the Broward Circuit Court jury sends a strong message that freedom of speech has limits, and the case will make people think twice before setting out on a campaign to destroy others.

    The verdict joins the increasing number of litigation in the United States over the content of Internet sites, blogs, online bulletin boards and e-mails that target to defame characters of others with the motive of tarnishing their image and destroy them.

    Susan Scheff filed the suit in December 2003, and the jury gave the verdict on September 19, 2006. After her daughter was abused and harmed at a teen help program (World Wide Association of Specialty Programs and Schools, WWASPS, Carolina Spring Academy), she set out to help others so they would not fall into the same trap.

    WWASPS, a corporate giant, filed a law suit against Ms. Scheff in 2002 in an attempt to silence her. She prevailed in a jury trail. WWASPS filed an appeal and again Ms. Scheff prevailed.

    It is not often a person is awarded $11.3 million from a jury of their peers. But in the case of Susan Scheff and her organization Parent’s Universal Resource Experts, Inc. (PURE) v. Carey Bock, the Broward Circuit Court jury in Florida felt compelled to send a very strong message – which they have. Included in their 11.3 million dollar verdict, they awarded Ms. Scheff and PURE $5 million in punitive damages. "The punitive damages speak volumes," says Scheff, "it was set to punish the defendant for what she did to my children and me. Just because you don’t like someone or what they do, it does not give you carte blanche to post false statements about a person on the internet."

    Since 2001 PURE and Sue Scheff have helped thousands of families providing various resources for their children as well as works closely with the Coalition Against Institutionalized Child Abuse (CAICA).

    The defendant Carey Bock maliciously and intentionally started a campaign on Internet forums against Sue Scheff and her organization, PURE, and the jury accepted it declaring defamation of character.

    "This is a new area of law," said Susan Scheff’s attorney, David H. Pollack of Miami. "The problem with the Internet is people can post anything about you and it can destroy you."

    Salsera Peruana 28 Mar 2007, 05:34 - Report
  • Jury Awards Woman $11.3M in Internet Defamation Suit

    Jury Awards Woman $11.3M in Internet Defamation Suit
    Daniel Ostrovsky
    Daily Business Review
    October 6, 2006

    Printer-friendly Email this Article Reprints & Permissions

    A Weston, Fla., woman who spoke out publicly against a Utah-based company affiliated with a controversial chain of boarding schools for troubled teens around the world has won an $11.3 million Internet defamation verdict.

    On Sept. 19, Susan Scheff and her Weston-based company, Parents Universal Resource Experts Inc., won the jury verdict in Broward Circuit Court against Carey Bock, a woman whom Scheff helped in getting Bock's two sons out of a school in Costa Rica. The judgment included $5 million in punitive damages.

    Scheff filed the suit in December 2003, alleging that Bock posted defamatory statements about her on an Internet bulletin board viewed by parents of troubled teens, according to court pleadings.

    The verdict is the latest chapter in the increasing volume of litigation around the country over the content of Internet sites, blogs and online bulletin boards.

    "This is a new area of law," said Scheff's attorney, David H. Pollack of Miami. "The problem with the Internet is people can post anything about you and it can destroy you."

    Pollack said that his client previously offered to settle the case for $35,000.

    Scheff, who bills herself as an educational consultant, "tried to do something to help other parents and she wound up sort of being the object of hateful and vindictive statements," Pollack said. Scheff and her company sometimes get paid for their referrals.

    The message of the verdict "is you just can't go out there on these blogs and slander and defame people without having any facts to substantiate what you are stating," Scheff said.

    Bock could not be reached for comment before deadline. Her former lawyer, Jan D. Atlas of Adorno & Yoss in Fort Lauderdale, did not return a call for comment before deadline.

    According to the suit, Bock had sought the help of Scheff and her company to refer her to an educational consultant who could get her sons out of a school affiliated with the Utah-based World Wide Association of Specialty Programs and Schools. Pollack said the consultant succeeded in doing so.

    After getting the boys out, from June 2003 through December 2003 Bock accused Scheff and her company of being "crooks," "con artists" and "frauds" who "exploit[ed] families" and place[d ] children in "risky" and "possibly abusive" programs as well as of operating a "scam," and being "no different than [the World Wide Association of Specialty Programs and Schools]," according to Scheff's suit.

    Pollack said that a witness at the trial testified that Bock turned against Scheff after Scheff refused to help her contact a minor who allegedly was sexually abused at one of the World Wide-affiliated schools. The witness said Bock wanted to contact the minor for a documentary about the schools.

    Among other things, Scheff's company has provided information to parents of troubled teens about World Wide affiliated schools.

    The suit originally named Ginger Warbis, the owner of the Internet bulletin board, as a defendant. She later was dropped as a defendant in the suit. Warbis' lawyer, Philip Elberg, of Medvin & Elberg of Newark, N.J., sharply criticized Scheff and other people who refer parents to programs for troubled teens.

    "People in this industry have consistently used their money and their access to lawyers to silence critics of the industry and this may be one of those examples," Elberg said. "Sue Scheff is simply another person in the industry of people who make money from the plight of frightened parents."

    Scheff had her own experience with World Wide, Pollack said. She had enrolled her daughter at one of the for-profit organization's affiliated schools in South Carolina. She later formed her company, which refers interested parents to schools for troubled teens.

    World Wide sued Scheff for defamation in Salt Lake City. World Wide claimed that stories about its schools posted on Scheff's Web site were defamatory. But in 2004 a jury ruled in Scheff's favor.

    According to Pollack, Bock was first represented in the Broward Circuit Court suit by Adorno & Yoss, but the law firm dropped out of the case. He said Bock then refused to participate in court proceedings and her pleadings were stricken by Broward Circuit Judge John T. Luzzo.

    Bock was not present for the jury trial, which was held to determine damages only, Pollack said.

    Poor conditions and physical abuse by the staff at several World Wide schools have been alleged in lawsuits and numerous media reports around the country.

    According to the Internet site of the nonprofit International Survivors Action Committee, at least nine schools either directly affiliated with World Wide or personnel affiliated with World Wide have been closed following investigations by authorities.

    Articles in the South Florida Sun-Sentinel and the Miami New Times have publicized allegations of abuse at the Jamaica-based school Tranquility Bay, which is popular with parents in South Florida.

    Salsera Peruana, like you or not :-) 28 Mar 2007, 05:46 - Report
  • Sela Robotix

    Get on with it then waiting to see you in court, its where YOU belong.

    Anon 28 Mar 2007, 06:22 - Report
  • Hotel España Lima Peru.



    YOU ARE A BIG LIER -Diana Chavez


    [email removed]

    Peruvain Friends 29 Mar 2007, 02:37 - Report



    YOU ARE A BIG LIER -Diana Chavez


    [email removed]

    Peruvian Friends 29 Mar 2007, 02:38 - Report

    We recomend to all to read that and learn about internet companies that aloud to Difamation names of others without control,we will put MORE and MORE for you to learn.

    Posts: 835
    (17/12/00 22:03)

    Reply la difamacion en internet


    Usó Internet para una denuncia y lo condenaron por calumnias

    médico, con seudónimo, acusó a un colega de aceptar comisiones ilegales
    en una universidad · Pero las acusaciones resultaron falsas · Y se
    descubrió la identidad del denunciante · El caso sienta precedente
    CARL KAPLAN. The New York Times. Especial para Clarín.

    Tiempo estimado de lectura 3'53''

    juez de Virginia, Estados Unidos, aceptó el veredicto de un jurado de
    recompensar con 675.000 dólares por daños y perjuicios al doctor Sam
    Graham, urólogo y ex profesor de la Facultad de Medicina de la
    Universidad Emory, que fue acusado en un panel de mensajes en el portal
    de Internet Yahoo, de aceptar comisiones ilegales mientras trabajaba en
    la universidad. Las acusaciones las escribió un individuo que utilizó
    el alias "fbiinformat" y que, más tarde, resultó ser el doctor Jonathan
    Oppenheimer, un patólogo residente en Nashville.

    25 de octubre un jurado determinó que Oppenheimer era culpable de
    difama ción y de ocasionarle a Graham angustia emocional. Para llegar a
    ese veredicto, el jurado concluyó que las declaraciones escritas por
    Oppenheimer eran falsas y perjudiciales para la reputación de Graham y
    que, al publicarlas, actuó con negligencia.

    Oppenheimer dijo en
    una entrevista que piensa apelar la sentencia. Reconoció que las
    declaraciones que hizo eran falsas, pero dijo que creía que eran
    ciertas cuando las escribió. "Si no revierten el fallo, me van a
    arruinar", dijo.

    Según los abogados, esta puede ser la primera
    condena por calumnia en Estados Unidos contra un acusado de publicar un
    mensaje anónimo en Internet.

    El caso también sirve como recordatorio importante, según los expertos, de que las reglas de
    difamación son tan aplicables online como en el mundo de los diarios y revistas.

    caso demuestra que se puede responsabilizar a la gente de lo que pone
    en Internet aunque lo haga en forma anónima", dijo Lyrissa Barnett
    Lidsky, profesora de derecho y experta en difamación en el ciberespacio.

    gente tiene que entender que si hace declaraciones online que afectan
    la reputación de una persona, es mejor que se asegure de que esas
    declaraciones sean ciertas. De lo contrario, se los puede acusar de
    difamación", agregó.

    Según los documentos presentados en el
    caso, el doctor Graham renunció a su puesto en la Universidad Emory en
    julio de 1998 para trasladarse a Richmond, Virginia, y dedicarse a la
    práctica privada. Meses después, en febrero del 99, el siguiente texto
    apareció en un panel de mensajes de Yahoo dedicado a información sobre
    Urocor Inc., un laboratorio en Oklahoma: "Sam Graham se desempeñaba
    como director del Departamento de Urología de la Clínica Emory, en
    Atlanta. Urocor decidió cobrarle menos al Departamento por sus
    servicios de patología y ofrecerle a Graham una parte del dinero que
    recibía por hacer la patología. Esto funcionó bien hasta que al pobre
    tipo lo descubrieron con las manos en la masa y tuvo que renunciar a su
    prestigioso cargo". El mensaje estaba firmado por "fbiinformat".

    se sintió "absolutamente afectado" cuando un amigo le contó lo del
    mensaje en Yahoo, recordó en una entrevista reciente. "Perjudicar el
    honor de alguien y pensar que se puede salir indemne sólo por hablar
    desde el anonimato es terrible", dijo. E inició una demanda legal.

    de 7 meses de investigación, los abogados de Graham lograron vincular a
    Oppenheimer con el seudónimo de transcripciones de una demanda legal
    anterior, no vinculada a este caso. En una de ellas, Oppenheimer,
    mientras trabajaba en Urocor, declaró que se había hecho pasar por
    "fbiinformant". Oppenheimer fue despedido de Urocor en 1997.

    del juicio, Oppenheimer admitió que escribió el mensaje el 7 de
    febrero, y que el doctor Graham no fue obligado a renunciar a Emory.
    Durante el juicio, los abogados de Graham presentaron pruebas de que
    las declaraciones escritas por Oppenheimer sobre las comisiones
    ilegales eran falsas y difamatorias. También buscaron demostrar que
    Oppenheimer actuó irresponsablemente cuando publicó la información
    después de oírla de parte de un tercero, sin hacer los esfuerzos
    suficientes para verificar su veracidad.

    Kurt A. Wimmer, un
    abogado especialista en medios en Covington & Burling, un estudio
    legal con sede en Washington DC, dijo que el caso Graham no sería
    demasiado significativo si no fuera por el hecho de que es el primer
    caso de difamación en Internet de este tipo. Hay muchas áreas en el
    derecho donde los mundos offline y online se tratan de la misma
    manera", dijo. "La difamación es uno de ellos. Si uno difama a alguien
    en forma anónima y se descubre su identidad, se aplican las leyes de
    difamación y calumnia. Es así en Internet y es así fuera de Internet".

    Robert M. O''Neil, director del Centro Thomas Jefferson para la
    Protección de la Libre Expresión y profesor de derecho en la
    Universidad de Virginia, "el medio no marca la más mínima diferencia".

    embargo, para la profesora Lidsky, de la Universidad de Florida, existe
    una gran diferencia entre los discursos difamatorios en el mundo online
    y en el mundo offline.

    Después de todo, si Internet no
    existiera, el acusado en el caso Graham tal vez habría hecho un
    comentario de pasillo y no habría existido ninguna demanda, explicó
    Lidsky. Pero en Internet, la gente que se compromete en este tipo de
    prácticas debe entender que existe la posibilidad de ser objeto una
    demanda legal.


    Protection Gruop for Defamtion 29 Mar 2007, 04:54 - Report
  • Brilliant, a legal mess

    I am a lawyer doing a favour for a friend. As such, I will try to inject a little bit of common sense here.

    Current situation is this:

    - Just Landed runs open forums for people moving country so some individuals use one of these forums to post comments about a person (rightly or wrongly).
    - This then gets attention from some other different (maybe) people with other complaints.
    - The person referenced sees this and (understandably) gets annoyed. If the allegations are false, this is clearly not on. If true, as claimed by quite a few anonymous posters (why do people allow anonymous postings!), I guess it is still annoying to have the past easily accessible on the Internet.
    - The person referenced then post lots of copyrighted articles with legal cases from other websites which are meant to support his case to have protection from defamation. It also looks like the person who is claiming defamation is busy doing some of their own in same forum about other posters using their real names and a pseudonym to make the post (after complaining about anonymous posting).

    I guess that this forum may not continue to exist. As it might be attracting some useful attention, please can anyone with some real proof that the individual concerned has ever done anything illegal or been convicted as such? Post a link to documentation if appropriate. I am sorry I cannot provide contact details, but I work for a law firm and cannot act without authorisation from the boss (who will not give it if we don't bill or it is a 'social cause' - neither of which will happen in this case).

    Laura 29 Mar 2007, 06:09 - Report
  • how refreshing.....

    to have someone talk common sense on this forum instead of all these childish tantrums and threats.
    Ok so let's address the subject of evidence and proof.
    I have complete documentary evidence of payments I made online using Paypal for 2 full passes to a salsa congress at the Sheraton in Lima which never took place. Several of my friends have evidence of payments made for the congress when it was advertised as being at the Hotel Bolivar. To date none of us have recieved refunds.
    I have documentary evidence of money I loaned to Dan Sela which has not been repaid.
    The post titled Arrest in Perú by salsero desconfiado appeared on news section of the Police website, whether it was posted here by the police or copied and pasted by someone else I do not know.
    The arrest of Dan Sela and Gina Navarrette was covered on TV on Canal N who were not happy that Dan Sela used their logo without permission on his posters. I have film of it and will try to get it on Youtube if that will help.
    I have a copy of the case sheet from the Montreal police complaint and the people involved in that case have already posted their contact details on this forum.

    I have posted my full contact details because I have done nothing which I need to hide or of which I am ashamed. I am quite happy for Dan Sela or Gina Navarrette to try to sue me for defamation, libel, slander - whatever - because every word that I have posted is true and can be coroborated with documentary evidence.
    Because I have been honest enough post openly and honestly I have have been insulted personally and professionally, had my sex life called into question, accused of theft and otherwise libelled - just because I want the money that is owing to me. However I will not be wasting my time or money making threats of law suits because to be perfectly honest the opinions of these pathetic little people are irrelevant to me - people who know me know the truth and more importantly, I know the truth - and so do you Dan and Gina.
    I agree that anonymous posts are un-necessary and counter productive, to quote my old granny - if you have nothing to fear you have nothing to hide happy

    Janice Walker 29 Mar 2007, 04:27 - Report
  • Lies about Dan

    Hello Laura,

    Thanks for your message all what you say its correct, i have also a lots of what to prove and also i prove how i sue the Hotel España that Rob us in $3,500 & charge us a lot more then what he supose etc,i have prove that i pat $896 on March.15.07, i will have prove soon from the Caracas Police that Ernesto Vegas from Venezuela fraud us by saying that he professional BUT IS NOT,both of then are Beginners, what a juck,also he fraud us by saying that he represent Fusion Salsa & He NOT,more very interesting information and more people will be sue of defametion,so send me an email on [email removed], you will be SUPRISE and in Shock,afte you will see the proves.

    We are acting fast to close this furom with Groups of Lawters.

    SO WE ARE GOING TO WAR HERE with all those people and WE ARE GOING TO WIN, according to all others cases that we investigate.

    I am waiting for your reply.

    Dan 04 Apr 2007, 01:26 - Report
  • Manipulation of Facts

    Hi, There are A lot of contradictions in this case, the people need to put all information:
    -Canal N: This channel sponsor the congress with promotion, they make a live promotion of the congress on the tv with interview to Dan and Gina and also with another dancers that were part of the artist invited to this congress, among them Mauricio Triana and Juan Becerra, and canal N make a lot of continues repetitions during all the weeking before the event, I have a copy of the grabation from the tv.
    -Police in Peru: partial and abusive. The police put in the note that they "catch them" after a big operative and that they find on their room a "severals vouchers of differents banks", but it does not mean that is 100% correct. It was not true. 1.-They went by their self and voluntarily to the comisaria with the 14 people that make the announce for to put clearly the situation.2.- Is not exist this "sevearl vouvhers finding in their room" the only vouchers that were those that the tourists had in their hand at the time of puts the denounces. 3.-Enrique Huangal was not pay any ticket to the congress and with out proof of voucher and payment of the supposed "fraud", the police leave him to denounce againts them. 4.- Ernesto Vegas and Barbara Leal denounce them in this supposed "fraud", because of Dan refused to make any payment for their services in the congress after Dan was advised about Ernesto by telephone from the real company Fusion Salsera from Caracas wich Ernesto supossed to represent in this congress. Ernesto Vegas and Barbara Leal, are in legal process in Venezuela for Fraud, because of is not the first time that Ernesto Vegas lie to people to find contracts outside of venezuela being made happen through bailarin, coreografo and official represent of Fusion Salsera and Barbara is just a begginer being made happend as profesional dancer. But with all this facts, the peruvian police leave to Ernesto and Barbara denounce against Dan in fraud modality,when in any case must to have been by contract breach. 5.- The congress was open in 1st. of march in pre-congress party in Monasterio Club, so it was not exist any fraud.6.- The peruvian police was advice by Janice Walker about this anonymous forum on just landed, not because of the smart police.7.- The peruvian police described Dan Sela as a "international fraudster" having as east sustenance forum with anonimos messages that try to persuade people to destroy the name and the reputation of this person without prooves and that it is obvious that they are acts of bad faith with the unique objetiv to destroy an image, without previous investigation, corroboracion of the veracity of the sources and giving credito and place to anonimos messages published with single a clear objective to damage a reputation, that is denominate as a defamation. 8.- The press, in particular Canal N was called by the own Peruvian policia to make of to expose them to a humiliation publishes. Denying the right of a call to relative or friends to them, denying to them the right to lawyer. Totally violet fundamental rights handcuff as dangerous criminals. Eeverything in base to anonimous forum from 2005 to before of march 1st. 9.- Pilar Galicia Valle administrator of Hotel España, open the room of Dan y Gina in 2 and 3 of March. She declare in the police after her citation that it was the peruvian police the ones that entered in their room to find evidences, they did not find anything, but they took a personal stuffs, like a digital camera, mexican movil, wathc, ipod, nothing that can be considerate as evidence of a crimen. Pilar Galicia Valle insist a lot in that no one of the tourist hosted in her hotel among them Janice Walker, Enrique Huangal, Ernesto Vegas and Barbara Leal, entered in the room of Mr Sela. But is very doubtful, due to its contradictions and to that she gave back one of the objects that supposedly the police took for investigation, the famous white dress of Gina.10.-Pilar Galicia Valle was demand by robbery, fraud and illegal appropriation and is in investigation.
    -All this has been result and consequence of the opening of a forum anonimo with defamations. Izaac Altman of the salsa federation posted a message denouncing that somebody use their name to put a message difamatorio against Mr. Sela, of this same way any person can use a name and data of contact to incur the defamation crime. Important that Mr. Altman clarified this because could have been demand object.
    -Also is a contradiction that some one called "Jhon" is persuading to people anonimous of desperate way to present proofs against Mr. Sela, we hope that they do not make them, an ill mind can be able of that to destroy a name.

    Liz 04 Apr 2007, 02:20 - Report
  • People, come on!

    Anon posted this messages: "Anon
    Sela Robotix
    Get on with it then waiting to see you in court, its where YOU belong.
    28 March 2007, 12:22:22 pm"
    BUT, Who is Anon? where is him or her from? where are his or her contact details? Where does he or she know dan y gina from?
    who are you?, Did you see and talk with dan and gina somewhere? Why are YOU so sure that dan belong to jail? Where did you meet gina? How long do you know them????Please show your prooves and evidences.

    With all the respect "Anon": Next time THAT YOU OPEN YOUR BIG MOUTH, please do it WITH BASES and IF YOU HAVE IT, SHOW IT!! or stop to TALK JUST FOR TALK, because you DONT HELP in nothing, you only OBSTRUCT east subject.

    We are looking foward to know the real true and to make it clear into the salsa scene. We do not support to any of the parts, called dan and janice, because of we could to fall in parcialities. We hope that the anonymous and nonanonymous prosecutors from 2005 until now, can demostrate what they say. If it is not possible, so we will support Dan in his defamatory claim. We hope that in the future, the salsa scene will be free of scandals. Thanks.
    [email removed]

    Impartials 04 Apr 2007, 11:58 - Report
  • Reply to impartial

    I have nothing to do with the Salsa scene it was in connection to Sela Robotix that I refer many others that lost money in that scam. Then there is the shoe scam this is not just one incident but a list linked to Dan Sela.Not just one person but many who have not yet seen this site.Keep posting as it gives more information.

    Anon 05 Apr 2007, 01:50 - Report
  • War???

    Interesting, I was under the impression I bought tickets for a congress and lent money in good faith to the organiser. I have copies of the original publicity on the website and I'm sure it didn't mention war.
    What a strange way to run a business - I don't think it will catch on somehow happy

    Incidentally I have had a communication from Dan Sela DEMANDING that I go to Lima ($200 if I fly or 22 hours each way on a bus) and sign whatever his lawyer tells me to AND drop the charges with the police. If I do that he tells me I will get my money back. Sounds very familiar to me, just like the Montreal situation.

    But then.... I did get in on April 1st and this is becoming a bit of a comedy blunk

    Janice Walker 05 Apr 2007, 08:59 - Report
  • Where's the proof?

    Lots of claims.

    Neither the person being accused or the people accusing him have offered any clear proof of anything.

    If you have something link to a page with documentary evidence on it. The problem here is the burden of proof lies with the people making the allegations, not the person on the receiving end.

    My friend doesn't have the inclination to try and pursue someone in Mexico, not put their name publicly here - even if they would like to see justice done. If you can help, great!

    Laura 05 Apr 2007, 11:33 - Report
  • how much proof do you need?

    a salsa congress was advertised in Lima, the websites are still showing it - it did not take place - the police posted a report on their own website which was reproduced above, you can check with them - no one has recieved refunds.
    How much clearer can I make it - people paid for an event and didn't get refunds when it did not take place.
    Are you saying now then that the event was not advertised? Are you saying that people got refunds?
    you can SEE the proof for yourself that the event was advertised and I am telling you now, and I am NOT posting anonymously, that I have not received one penny from Dan Sela.
    Proof enough.

    Janice Walker 05 Apr 2007, 08:05 - Report
  • Sela Robotix

    I am not sue who you are, BUT We ALL want to tell that all that we INVEST money and NOT land money, so we was taking the risk of investing in this Innovation Comapny Of Dan and even he get Exceptional Award from the British Goverment.

    So Anon YOU ARE A LIER.

    We all shares Holder have share certificate legaly from the company,and holding a copy of the lawyer of the company at that time in London

    So WE ALL INVEST and Toke the RISK, its prove that the company makew a great progress 5 years until the DOC.COM crash AND its NOT Dan folt.


    Shares Holders of Sela Robotix 07 Apr 2007, 01:12 - Report
  • Response to Annon

    Annon you are son of Janice Walker right?.
    You have no proof and you dont know anything about sela robotix and about montreal situation and even if it was like that, you are not an "victim" of Dan, so you CAN NOT talk on the name of others, so if you are "victim" show the proofs. You are just supporting your mother that is ok. BUT if you dont have nothing to do with Dan Sela as YOU SAID, so is better that you go away from here because you dont have nothing to contribute in this case for the salsa scene and it does not correspond to clarify to us and not to you, you are not a judge and us either. The ANONYMOUS GUY that started this forum is not here anymore because are not evidences and this guy know that can pay a penalty to dan sela for moral damage, defamation, damages and prejudices, by its messages that where it clearly tries to persuade people to damage honor it of a person. Here, in this forum, there is just something between janice walker and dan sela, this is clear. Interesting right? [email removed]

    Impartial 07 Apr 2007, 01:21 - Report
  • Janice Walker was selling in cusco tickets for the salsa congress in lima

    This is very confused for me. I knew Janice Walker trying to sale tickets to my friends in Cusco. She said that she represented to the organizers of this congress in cusco, in fact she was distributing flyers of the congress in cusco and pressed my friends so that they registered, which seemed to us very strange. It is very intriguing that this woman says that she has demanded to this man by fraud, because being one of the promoters of this event in cusco it is obvious that she had to be or found out something or, will be that is she washing the hands? She is not a girl, i think she is around 45 to 50 years old to know something going bad. A day before the event I watched after the television by "Panamericana" channel a promotional interview of the congress where was this woman Janice dancing with a boy and other 3 couples that according to the interview were part of performers which they were going to perform and teach in the congress, even janice danced with the reporter and all of them looked very excited with the congress, that whole world watched in the tv. So after promoting in cusco, she still a day before was promoting a congress on tv? and a day after the inauguration of the congress they demand by fraud? there is certain information misled here. Interesting and strange case. Sorry not to put my full name, but I am not interested, just took my attention that the such Janice Walker demands by fraud, when she was promoting and selling tickets in cusco.

    Fredo 07 Apr 2007, 02:14 - Report
  • tickets?

    I am afraid that you are misinformed, there were no tickets for the congress and I was selling nothing - Dan Sela had a list of people who were registered and told me he was going to issue wristbands when they registered each day. There were no flyers in Cusco - they were printed in Lima and none were ever sent to Cusco. Dan Sela sent me posters by email and I printed off one or two to help publicise an event I thought was genuine. I never "pressed" anyone to register - that is not my style in fact I did my best to organise discounts and even lent money to one of the people who registered so that he could go.
    I did dance on TV in Lima and I was excited - I thought I was going to be part of something good - I was wrong and I was conned and if anyone in Cusco thinks otherwise they know where to find me - maybe they could say so to my face instead of hiding behind anonymity - if you are so uninterested as to hide your identity why are you interested enough to post this?
    Before you post again perhaps you should check the FACTS first - if you are in Cusco you are welcome to come and see me and I can tell you the truth - something there is very little of in your post.

    Janice Walker 07 Apr 2007, 08:50 - Report
  • Oops! Janice Walker: you are a BIG lier!!!

    first im not in cusco, i was there for summer´s vacations only,that isn´t of your interest, exactly as it doesn´t interest me meet you and speak with you, even, either doesn´t matter me what happend here. i saw you, trying to convince my friends that they were registered to the famous event, is obvious that you were part of that, but if you are so coward to deny it, by something to, you called me a lier?? as well as you deny to have been in television? making event´s promotion, so so rare because i and many people saw you dancing in panamericana´s channel, where you said that you represented and came from england in the congress and even you danced with the reporter. so, you deny to have distributed flyers but i saw them and you gave them to my friends. and please you don´t tell me what to do and that first i need to reviews the facts, because this facts, that you are denying would be your facts, but not the facts that i saw in cusco and in the tv. oops woman!you are liying, that is the truth, you don´t want to accept , another story. im not a lier, you are the lier here, you don´t have shame to say that you didn´t promote this event in cusco and you didn´t dance in the tv promoting it? and you know what? i don´t need give you my name to a lier woman, you made it happen as you were innocent in all this shit, please woman, you know very well that what i say is truth because we saw you, i saw you doing it, damn woman, you don´t deserve the minimum respect, you disappoint to me. good luck little lier woman and you don´t bother yourself in answering to me because it doesn´t interest to me to read your lies either to know nothing else about your f***ing shit. your shame is lost, go to find it woman and there isn´t nothing else to speak, because i didn´t lie. good bye my little not shame woman.

    Fredo 08 Apr 2007, 09:43 - Report
  • what is all this cowardly bullshit?

    Maybe you can’t read, try looking at the part in my last post where I said “I did dance on TV in Lima and I was excited” Had you actually seen the film of that report you would not have heard me saying I was from England – in fact I contradicted the reported who had been told that by Dan Sela because I was there representing Cusco – something I was proud to do.
    I will say this one more time - I have done NOTHING to be ashamed of and I do NOT lie! I have had all sorts of people asking me to help them get their money back and I have done my best to do so for all of us, even people who have treated me badly in the past, by passing on information and evidence that I have. I published my name and contact details because someone on Dan Sela’s behalf threatened my friend with violence and he also had done nothing wrong and because I believe in standing up against people who rip you off and doing so honestly without hiding behind anonimity. Like I’ve said before if you have nothing to fear you have nothing to hide. So how does that make me coward – a coward is someone who insults someone without the guts to do so honestly, like you and Dan and Gina. Or maybe are you just another of their alter egos?
    Maybe someone can explain something to me cos I’m damned if I understand it… why the hell has this become a vendetta against me? I lost $815 and a lot more that money cannot replace because of a salsa “con”gress organised by Dan Sela!
    Maybe you have forgotten that him and Gina went to jail and are facing charges still - I DID NOT! I’m one of the damned victims here so why the hell are you attacking me? How is this helping anyone get their moeny back?

    Janice Walker 09 Apr 2007, 02:36 - Report
  • Sela Robotix

    What exeptional reward fron the British Goverment,its only a letter asking for additional facts lets see the AWARD, Sela your company did nothing and was only on paper you took investors money, I have nothing to do with Janice who is ANOTHER of your victims seems, that its your son who supports you against Janice ??.
    You did not float Sela Robotixas as can be seen by documentation at companies house refered to in previous postings.

    Anon 09 Apr 2007, 11:27 - Report
  • To Anon

    Anon, first you never answer me about who are you, where you meet dan and gina, and you r contact details. I am not against NO BODY, if you are angry because I am not again Dan Sela is your problem. Did you was investor? If it yes, show some paper that can proof it. It is not PLEASE dont play games and dont loose your time boy. I know that you are son of Janice, why you lie when you said that you ar not conected to Janice? I read a message before where you attack gina with offensive message and you said thaty "janice has family and son to defende her", but this message is not there anymore, may be gina ask the administrator fo this forum to take off, Good for her! Because you said that you dont know her, and you hurt her when you never saw her? So please Anon. We are adults! And also because every time that some one attackt your mother Janice you are here to post message againts Dan without evidence everytime!!! ???? So I will continue impartial until Anonymous guy who post t he first message intrioduce himself and show evidences more than words under anonimate including Anon (Janice´s son or daugther) who till now nobody know who are Anon. Sorry!. Someone Fredo put new information that was missed here, it looks like your mother is not so inocent! [email removed]

    Impartial 10 Apr 2007, 01:26 - Report
  • Helloouuuu!!!

    1.-WORDS FROM JANICE: "a coward is someone who insults someone without the guts to do so honestly, like you and ....."
    Also like ANONYMOUS, Escuelas de salsa de Lima, Anon and a lot more!!!!
    Anon your mother describe you as a BIG COWARD!!!! jajaja

    2.-Hellooou!!!! Janice asking to Fredo post contact details and full name AND to investigate the facts before post message againts her??? Is exactly what everyone ask here from anonymous, annon, and even Janice who posted messages againts Dan without evidences.

    3.-Dan and Gina in jail? ?? hellouuuu!!!!

    4.-Whoever Fredo is, finaly put in place to Old Jnaice Walker , Thanks!, But how those messages are againts Janice Walker , of course she ask first investigate the facts before post message and contact details.

    HELLLLOUUUUU!!! As Fredo say : No-Shame!!jajajajajajaja

    Salserisha!! :-) 10 Apr 2007, 01:53 - Report
  • repy to impartial

    I told you I have nothing to do with Salsa I do not know Gina and never commented on her . ONLY DAN SELA Robotix scam.
    I am not related to Janice.
    So answer the question about the so called award.

    Anon 10 Apr 2007, 01:26 - Report
  • Inpartial (Dan Sela)

    Hi again impartial (DAN) anyway how old are you ??? your web site says 39 but according to the police posting it is 49 you suddenly grown old -old man.
    More lies ???

    Anon 10 Apr 2007, 10:40 - Report
  • investigating

    I received the reply below from Companies House this morning, I have also searched the records of patents in Europe and the US in reference to claims that Dan Sela holds 4 patents in relation to this company - I found none in his name or the name of Sela Robotix. Don't take my word for it though - you can search online and it's pretty easy - put patent office into a search engine and you'll find the sites you need.

    I will continue this research until 2 things happen - 1. I receive the money which is owed me
    2. the personal attacks stop

    Dear Janice,

    Thank you for your email.

    Company Number: 03499080
    Status: Dissolved 17/06/2003

    I have checked the company details and the company was struck off the register by Companies House for non-compliance as the company failed to file the required financial accounts and annual returns.

    Can the Registrar strike off a company?

    Yes, if it is neither in business nor in operation. The Registrar may take this view if, for example:
    he has not received documents from a company that should have sent them to him; or
    mail he has sent to a company's registered office is returned undelivered.

    Before the Registrar strikes a company off the register, he must inquire whether it is still in business or operation. If he is satisfied that it is not, he will publish a notice in the London Gazette that he intends to strike the company off. A copy notice is placed on the company's public record.

    If he sees no reason to do otherwise, the Registrar will strike the company off not less than three months after the date of the notice. The company will be dissolved on publication of a further notice stating this in the Gazette.

    At the date of dissolution any assets held by a dissolved company will belong to the Crown. The company’s bank account will be frozen and any credit balance in the account will be passed to the Crown. Any enquiries would need to be addressed to:

    The Treasury Solicitor (BV)
    One Kemble Street
    WC2B 4TS

    Any issues relating to possible fraud should have been addressed to the police.

    Yours faithfully,

    Karen Richards
    Companies House Contact Centre
    [email removed]

    Janice Walker 11 Apr 2007, 08:28 - Report
  • Dans 50th Birthday

    This is an invitation to join Dan and his WIFE and 2 DAUGHTERS and SON for his 50th Birthday on 4 September
    2007.His family will be joining him from Israel,and looking forward to a real SALSA congress.
    Share holders of SELA Robotix are welcome to pay for it.
    And any other new investors.!!!

    Anon 12 Apr 2007, 03:25 - Report
  • Impartial

    Sorry But this letter does not proof any delit. And take off the age is not an illegal act, this is something that do it a lot of people, I can do it also.

    Anon and Janice, WHEN YOU HAVE SOMETHING SPECIFIC againts Dan and A REAL EVIDENCE you are welcome to send it to my mail [email removed]

    Anon stop to lie, you are Janice son. If you are related to Sela Robotix, say your full name and confirm wich was your funtion in sela robotix.And PLEASE if you were fraud by sela robotix post the proof.

    Janice, a video on you toube EDITED by yourself where you post a message against Dan is not a proof of nothing, Opposit proof that you hate him, and you are not a objetive person so we can not trust 100% in you and in your words, We will continue impartial until real evidence and proofs will be post by you or someone else.


    Impartial 15 Apr 2007, 12:22 - Report
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