The end: "Do not buy SAMSUNG cell phone, especially not in Belgium..."
I've just googled for "lousy services Belgium", and surprisingly enough for me, this experience that I impulsively described more than a year ago it currently appears to be the most clicked hint in this search engine. Frankly, I haven't thought that it will ever be read by someone
I have therefore decided to finish my story and presumably I could publish much more experiences with services and "clients/customers care" in this country.
…Alors, three weeks later (as I had to leave my cell phone in the shop for the second time) I came back to the PhoneHouse (not surprised that they did not call after two weeks as they had promised) and I really tried to be nice that time. Well, the only person present in the shop could not find my cell phone in their boxes and then looked into their electronic system and told me that the phone had been already given to me. You can imagine how many different colours my face turned into but still I tried to stay calm. I showed him the original claim form and asked him how they could possibly give it to me as I had the paper (that has to be signed upon release) with me. He told me that he didn't know as it was his colleague who released the phone to "me" and that I should have spoken to him. But he wasn't in that day and I started to be quite annoyed because he seemed to mean it really seriously. I told him then that I want to see the signature on the claim/return paper which confirmed that "I" had been given the phone back. But he only reverted me to his colleague and refused to talk to me further. OK, pretty tough, but as I had to leave Belgium that day (it was Friday) I could not come back the next day and on Monday I received an SMS or a call that the phone is waiting for me in the shop. No explanation at all, obviously I did not ask after all these experiences ( I should have probably)…I only realised later that there was one sms stored in the "sent" folder in dutch which I do not speak and thus I assumed that the phone was returned to someone else and then they tried to get it back and return to the owner…
Well that was the end of the story but only the beginning of more stories and even more incredible ones… I'll maybe write about them one day but being in Belgium already a few years, I "sort of" adopted so called "OIB" approach (only in Belgiumand stay calm.
Michael ( 03 déc 2008, 04:54 - Signaler un abus
Do not buy SAMSUNG cell phone, especially in Belgium...
- Samsung bought from PhoneHouse Belgium = abusing and mocking clients
- PhoneHouse - ScamHouse
- No service in Belgium
- Quality of service and service people in Belgium can be questioned!
- The end: "Do not buy SAMSUNG cell phone, especially not in Belgium..."
- Samsung readies cell phone with Adobe PDF support
- samsung service
- bad service
- Lousy repair Warranty with Sony Ericson mobile phone in Belgium