Looking to move to Germany

  • My family was forced to move during the cold war and I was born in USA. I visit my family aunts and Onkles and cousins in east Germany. I love doing this because they live the way I was brought up. I recently was their and brought my fiance and she loved it so much and wants to move also. We are having a baby on the way in December and we want it to be born in Germany and start our family overseas. I am a very succesful Manager for the worlds largest retailer in the World. I also was a supervisor for a prison for five years and a member of the swat team. I am very athletic and can go from wearing a suit to doing manual labor. I give 110 percent at everything I do so I will do this also for trying to go to Germany. If my family did it coming to USA then I can do it to go back home.
    E MAIL [email removed]

    Robert Dietrich 05 Kwi 2009, 04:41 - Zgłoś nadużycie
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Jobs for Americans in Germany

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