
  • People,really its not the culture and its not because they speak that language. If ur mean, than your mean, you'll be mean in italian, in chinese, in german, in any language, just because your portguese doesnt mean that you are mean. It has nothing to do with the language that person speaks. So dont go and say that portgugese people are mean because its not true. Some are mean and some are not because everywhere you go theres always gonna be rude people, and you saying that ALL portguese people
    are mean is like me saying that ALL dogs with long hair are gonna bite your finger. So dont talk if you dont know, and if your portguese and you say that all portguese poele are mean, thats including yourself too ok, and thats to whoever said portuguese people are mean, and the portuguese people who are making fun of brazillians on youtube is just stupid young people who dont know what they're talking about so dont go and blame it on all portuguese people, and 1 question.. why would you even look that up? oviouslly if you type in portuguese peole making fun of brazillians its gonna show up. DUHHHHH.. like people think about what you're gonna say before you say it.

    Vanessa 01 Jun 2008, 11:22 - Report
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Portuguese people are absolutely nice

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