Portuguese and others

  • 1st let me state I'm portuguese.
    I don't find portuguese to be worse or better than other nationalities. Generalisations are dangerous. I've been in many countries in Europe, South america, Near and Far East, and I've met nice and rude people everywhere. Unfortunately some people tend to find on other someone to be less than them. Some people are just plain racist or arrogant. I've read somewhere here that portuguese don't respect foreigners that try to speak portuguese. On the contrary. Among portuguese the complaint against foreigners, is that even when we don't understand the language we make an effort to be helpful, for years i did that whenever some spaniard in vacation asked me for something. Then the first time I went to spain, almost everyone rpplied to me "No lo entiendo" - I don't understand you. It sucks. Some brazilians have this thing that they country is not developed because poruguese stole their richness. The colonial period was the same for every country, it was common practice, and french, english, spanish, portuguese and dutch did the same. Brazilians have been independent for 200 years, so it's their responsability now. Of course, the brazilian elites have all the interest on finding someother to blame for the abyssal distribution of wealth and justify the misery in which most of the people live. Some one said in the forum that portuguese try to act like italians. I have never seen that and I am portuguese. But yes it's true there are many stupid portuguese, as there are english and french and chinese. I'm from Algarve (mostly beach tourism), but live now in Lisbon, and i find very silly that english go "overseas" to behave unpropperly, and be drunk all day long, and go everywhere bearfooted without a t-shirt, and swear. I've lived in England, and I never saw them doing that, nor did I, while I was there. It a question of education and respect for others.

    tinytino 03 Feb 2009, 02:43 - Report
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Portuguese people are absolutely nice

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