Silly discussion.

  • It's this kind of discussion that proves how close minded and racist people are.

    You can't generalize like this. You can't just grab 10 million people and put them all in the same bag. How many of the 10 million do you actually know? One? Ten? One hundred max perhaps?

    All I can say is that I met a lot of people from different countries and backgrounds and they were all unique. No person is the same. I had some bad experiences with the only 2 Polish people I met but you never gonna hear me say "All Polish people are bad", because it was only 2 people I met.

    Imagine you go to France and you meet someone and he robs you. Does this make all French people thieves? But that's what you going to spread isnt't it? All your friends that don't know any French people will then spread that all French people are thieves. It's a snowball.

    It's because of things like this that there's so much hate in the world. People can be very intolerant sometimes.

    So open your minds and hearts and start looking for good the good in people instead of the bad. Spread the love you have for people and not the hate. And maybe, one day, the world will be a peacefull place.

    JV 26 Jan 2009, 01:02 - Report
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